Trade, production and use of electrical and electronic equipment, in the context of the circular economy
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330+341+628.4.045 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
NEAGU, Florentina-Stefania, VASILE, Valentina, BĂNICĂ, Elena, CIUHU, Ana-Maria. Trade, production and use of electrical and electronic equipment, in the context of the circular economy. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării, Ed. 16, 12-13 octombrie 2022, Chișinău. Chisinau, Moldova: INCE, 2022, Ediția 16, pp. 48-48a.
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Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării
Ediția 16, 2022
Conferința "Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării"
16, Chișinău, Moldova, 12-13 octombrie 2022

Trade, production and use of electrical and electronic equipment, in the context of the circular economy

CZU: 330+341+628.4.045
JEL: D16, Q01, Q53, O13, O14

Pag. 48-48a

Neagu Florentina-Stefania1, Vasile Valentina2, Bănică Elena2, Ciuhu Ana-Maria23
1 Bucharest University of Economic Studies,
2 Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy,
3 National Institute of Statistics, Romania
Disponibil în IBN: 3 noiembrie 2022


At the level of the European Union, the implementation of circular economy principles is in early stages, despite the involvement of political decision-makers through the adoption, since 2015, of a set of dedicated policies and different national government strategies. The waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recovery activity is of greater importance for countries that apply the principles of the circular economy, being a form of resource saving. The research focuses on analyzing the main drivers of sustaining the circular economy of the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector, pointing out the importance of resources efficient use and waste recovery. Our panel dataset considers the period 2008-2020, for EU-27 countries. The analysis carried out highlights the importance of the EEE sector in implementing the principles of the circular economy by promoting products with medium and high level of technology and saving resources for households.

circular economy, sustainable development, Waste of electrical and electronic equipment

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Vasile, V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Economie Natională al Academiei Române, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Bănică, E.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Economie Natională al Academiei Române, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Ciuhu, A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Economie Natională al Academiei Române, România</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>At the level of the European Union, the implementation of circular economy principles is in early stages, despite the involvement of political decision-makers through the adoption, since 2015, of a set of dedicated policies and different national government strategies. The waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recovery activity is of greater importance for countries that apply the principles of the circular economy, being a form of resource saving. The research focuses on analyzing the main drivers of sustaining the circular economy of the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector, pointing out the importance of resources efficient use and waste recovery. Our panel dataset considers the period 2008-2020, for EU-27 countries. The analysis carried out highlights the importance of the EEE sector in implementing the principles of the circular economy by promoting products with medium and high level of technology and saving resources for households.</p></description>