Unele particularităţi ale manifestării principiului contradictorialităţii în cadrul activităţii speciale de investigaţii
Articolul precedent
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280 5
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-03-22 14:10
SM ISO690:2012
RUSU, Vitalie. Unele particularităţi ale manifestării principiului contradictorialităţii în cadrul activităţii speciale de investigaţii. In: Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități: Materialele conferinţei știinţifi ce naţionale cu participare internaţională, din 26 august 2021: cu genericul "30 de ani de la adoptarea declaraţiei de independenţă a Republicii Moldova: aspecte politico-juridice și social-economice, 26 august 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: ÎS FEP „Tipografi a Centrală", 2022, pp. 312-324. ISBN 978-5-88554-102-2.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități 2022
Conferința "Independența de stat a Republicii Moldova: retrospective și realități"
Chişinău, Moldova, 26 august 2021

Unele particularităţi ale manifestării principiului contradictorialităţii în cadrul activităţii speciale de investigaţii

Some particularities of the manifestation of the adversarial principle in the framework of the special investigative activity

Pag. 312-324

Rusu Vitalie
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 23 septembrie 2022


The measure of collecting information from electronic communications service providers helps to remove the diffi culties encountered by the authorities in exercising their tasks of preventing and combating organized crime, terrorism or other serious crimes. The use of electronic transfers, free access to the Internet and super-sophisticated communication technology allow criminal structures to intensify the commission of crimes with unidentifi ed perpetrators, thus eroding the authority of states. Traffi c data facilitates the identifi cation of the subscriber or user of the service, allowing the competent state bodies to act effectively to prevent, identify and investigate serious crimes. Cybercrime experts estimate that traffi c data in the virtual world is the equivalent of fi ngerprints taken during on-site research. Given that data retention is an interference with the right to privacy, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the necessary and proportionate nature of the interference with the aim pursued (prevention, detection and investigation of serious crimes, defense of public order and national security) by providing limited categories of data that can be retained and the fact that the measure does not refer to the content of this data.

evidence, special investigation activity, special investigation measures, collection, information, service providers, electronic communications, communication equipment, communication sources, authorization, investigating judge, tracking, user, Storage, proportionality, interference