“Циганешти князове” and the issue of coming of Roma people to the lands of Țara Moldovei and Țara Românească
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94(=214.58)(478+498) (2)
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ROMANCHUK, Aleksey. “Циганешти князове” and the issue of coming of Roma people to the lands of Țara Moldovei and Țara Românească. In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. 14, 30-31 mai 2022, Chișinău. Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2022, Ediția 14, p. 98. ISBN 978-9975-84-158-0.
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Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Ediția 14, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare"
14, Chișinău, Moldova, 30-31 mai 2022

“Циганешти князове” and the issue of coming of Roma people to the lands of Țara Moldovei and Țara Românească

CZU: 94(=214.58)(478+498)

Pag. 98-98

Romanchuk Aleksey
Institute of Cultural Heritage
Disponibil în IBN: 20 iulie 2022


Information about “Циганешти князове” was mentioned in a Moldavian medieval document dated 1414 A. D. The most appropriate interpretation of these words is the following: the document tells about some “knezs Tsiganesti”, where князове (the plural form of a Romanian word borrowed from Slavic languages) means “the chiefs of patronymic community-village”, and Циганешти is an anthroponym-patronym, which denotates several (at least two) people that descended from a man whose name is Цыган. Next, this name, Цыган comes from the ethnonym tsigan (an old ethnonym for Roma people). Therefore, this is the name of a Roma man, more probably. Following the typical Romanian medieval toponymical model (an early model) the patronymic Цыганешть later gave birth to the oikonym (name of a village) Цыганешть. According to L. L. Polevoi, the formation of the complete form of Romanian oikonyms with suffix -ешть needed about 102 +– 29 years. Thus, the origin of the village headed by „Циганешти князове” we have to date earlier than 1400 A. D. Moreover, it is possible also that (as some other early Moldavian villages (see researches of L. L. Polevoi and N. D. Russev)) this village appeared even in the times of the Golden Hoard. This conclusion comes also from the mentions of “кнез Коман” among the Roma gifted to the Bistritsa monastery (in the document of 1428 A. D.). This name, Koman, evidently comes from the ethnonym koman/kuman. We can suppose that early groups of Roma (being merchants and craftsmen), that came to the Balkans in the XIII – early XIV centuries A. D., at the same time entered the Carpathian-Dniester lands, which were owned by the Golden Hoard. Probably, these early groups of Roma were attracted to the Carpathian-Dniester region by the economic growth and urbanization that started here in the times of Nogay and, later, in the early XIV century A. D. when some new Golden Hoard’s cities (Shekhr al Djedid, and the city near Costești village) appeared in the Prut-Dniester region.