К вопросу о непрерывности мониторинговых наблюдений за режимом грунтовых вод
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289 0
SM ISO690:2012
МАТВЕЕВА, Елена, ГЫРЛЯ, Анастасия, МОРАРУ, Константин. К вопросу о непрерывности мониторинговых наблюдений за режимом грунтовых вод. In: Mediul şi dezvoltarea durabilă,: conferinţă ştiinţifică naţională cu participare internaţională, 22-24 mai 2014, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipografia UST, 2014, Ediţia 2, pp. 33-39. ISBN 978-9975-76-157-4.
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Mediul şi dezvoltarea durabilă,
Ediţia 2, 2014
Conferința "Mediul şi dezvoltarea durabilă, "
Chişinău, Moldova, 22-24 mai 2014

К вопросу о непрерывности мониторинговых наблюдений за режимом грунтовых вод

Pag. 33-39

Матвеева Елена, Гырля Анастасия, Морару Константин
Институт геологии и сейсмологии АНМ
Disponibil în IBN: 23 iunie 2022


The continuity of monitoring observations of groundwater regime. The State groundwater monitoring network in Moldova has existed since 1962. State Agency of Geology and Institute of Geology and Seismology (Academy of Sciences of Moldova) are responsible for data collection and data processing. The present state of the network doesn’t satisfy the natural and anthropogenic condition of the country. The following issues are important: 1) the number of fresh water aquifers to cover is substantial, which complicates the set-up of the monitoring network and forces up the costs; not all aquifers systems have yet been covered sufficiently with observation wells, 2) in the area close to well fields for water supply the number of observation wells is very scare and the network provides only vague information about the development of depression cones in relation with withdrawals, 3) water levels and water quality in shallow aquifers represents very local values, making it difficult task to create an effective network. The objectives need to be critically reviewed, 4) some industrial activities and stores of harmful substances cause a high risk for groundwater pollution and the situation may have to be monitored to diminish the risks.

groundwater monitoring, groundwater regime, intra-annual variability, average annual data, continuous observations, linear interpolation