Recuperarea copiilor cu tulburări de dezvoltare prin mijloace specifice înotului terapeutic
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SM ISO690:2012
VIZITIU, Elena. Recuperarea copiilor cu tulburări de dezvoltare prin mijloace specifice înotului terapeutic. In: Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate, Ed. 3, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2018, Ediția a 3-a, pp. 107-108. ISBN 978-9975-131-65-0.
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Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate
Ediția a 3-a, 2018
Congresul "Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 13-15 septembrie 2018

Recuperarea copiilor cu tulburări de dezvoltare prin mijloace specifice înotului terapeutic

Rehabilitation of children with developmental disorders through specific therapeutic swimming

Pag. 107-108

Vizitiu Elena
Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava
Disponibil în IBN: 15 iunie 2022


Rolul intervenției medicale și kinetoterapeutice în prevenirea, depistarea și tratarea tulburărilor de creștere, în special a hipotrofiei staturo-ponderale este unul major. Modificarea standardului de viață, fenomen de actualitate, se face resimțită și în dezvoltarea copiilor, fiind observată accelerarea procesului de creștere, maturizarea psihică fiind mai timpurie. Din păcate, însă, acestea nu sunt singurele efecte care se răsfrâng asupra copiilor, fiind prezente, în număr cât mai mare, și efectele negative, cum ar fi tulburări în procesul de creștere și dezvoltare a corpului, scăderea rezistenței etc. Nu toți copiii cresc în același ritm, existând un interval larg de creștere, care poate cuprinde copiii al căror ritm de dezvoltare poate fi considerat normal. Scopul studiului constă în prevenirea, dar și recuperarea cu ajutorul înotului terapeutic a pacientului cu hipotrofie staturo-ponderală. Acesta va beneficia de un program de recuperare individualizat, în care toți se vor implica, pentru atingerea scopului și a obiectivelor propuse. Organizarea și metodele cercetării În realizarea articolului științific, recurgem la metoda studiului individual, metoda observației, metoda studiului de caz, metoda grafică. Locul desfășurării programului de recuperare este bazinul de înot din cadrul Complexului de Natație și Kinetoterapie al Universității "Ștefan cel Mare" Suceava. Acesta este dotat cu echipamente pentru înot, pe care le-am folosit împreună cu pacientul pentru buna desfășurare a programului. Ședințele de recuperare s-au desfășurat pe o perioadă de 6 luni, din februarie 2018 până la începutul lunii august 2018. Diferențele dintre valorile pe care pacientul le înregistrase înainte de începerea programului de înot terapeutic și cele de la sfârșitul perioadei cercetate au fost semnificative. Ținând cont de diagnosticul medical al pacientului: hipotrofie staturo-ponderală, deficit de vitamina D, s-a reușit atingerea obiectivelor principale: creșterea în înălțime și greutate. Evoluția pacientului a fost vizibilă nu doar la finalul perioadei de recuperare, dar și pe parcursul acesteia. De la o saptămâna la alta, pacientul era din ce în ce mai activ, în cadrul înotului fiind formate deprinderile motrice, precum și atitudinea pozitivă față de exercițiile realizate.

The role of physical therapy in the prevention, detection and treatment of growth disorders, particularly stature-weight hypotrophy is a major one. Changing the standard of living, topical phenomenon, it is felt in the development of children being seen accelerating growth, mental maturity is earlier. But unfortunately they are not the only effects that accrue to children being present in as many negative effects such as disorders in the growth and development of the body, decreased resistance, etc. Not all children grow apace, with a wide range of growth that may include children whose growth rate can be considered normal Purpose and tasks of the work: It is to prevent and recovery with the aid of patients with weakness swimming-weight stature. It will benefit from individualized rehabilitation program, where all will be involved to achieve goals and objectives. Organization and research methods In carrying out scientific article, resort to self-study method, observation method, case study method, graphic method. Venue recovery program is the swimming pool in the complex Swimming and Therapy at the University "Stefan cel Mare". It is equipped with swimming that we used with the patient for the purposes of the program. Recovery meetings were held over a period of six months, from February 2018 until early August 2018. Conclusions and recommendations The differences between the patient record before starting therapy and the swimming program at the end of the study period were significant. Took into account the advice and recommendations of the letter, medication compliance and not least performing sports activities involved in harmonious physical development) we managed to achieve our main goals: increase in height and weight. To better highlight the results, we represented the values and graphics. Patient evolution was not only visible at the end of the recovery period, but throughout it. From week to week, the patient was becoming more active, driving habits being formed within swimming and positive attitude to exercises conducted.

The role of physical therapy in the prevention, detection and treatment of growth disorders, particularly stature-weight hypotrophy is a major one. Changing the standard of living, topical phenomenon, it is felt in the development of children being seen accelerating growth, mental maturity is earlier. But unfortunately they are not the only effects that accrue to children being present in as many negative effects such as disorders in the growth and development of the body, decreased resistance, etc. Not all children grow apace, with a wide range of growth that may include children whose growth rate can be considered normal Purpose and tasks of the work: It is to prevent and recovery with the aid of patients with weakness swimming-weight stature. It will benefit from individualized rehabilitation program, where all will be involved to achieve goals and objectives. Organization and research methods In carrying out scientific article, resort to self-study method, observation method, case study method, graphic method. Venue recovery program is the swimming pool in the complex Swimming and Therapy at the University "Stefan cel Mare". It is equipped with swimming that we used with the patient for the purposes of the program. Recovery meetings were held over a period of six months, from February 2018 until early August 2018. Conclusions and recommendations The differences between the patient record before starting therapy and the swimming program at the end of the study period were significant. Took into account the advice and recommendations of the letter, medication compliance and not least performing sports activities involved in harmonious physical development) we managed to achieve our main goals: increase in height and weight. To better highlight the results, we represented the values and graphics. Patient evolution was not only visible at the end of the recovery period, but throughout it. From week to week, the patient was becoming more active, driving habits being formed within swimming and positive attitude to exercises conducted.

copil, tulburare, dezvoltare, înot, terapie,

child, disorder, development, swimming, therapy

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<dc:creator>Vizitiu, E.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='ro'><p>Rolul intervenției medicale și kinetoterapeutice &icirc;n prevenirea, depistarea și tratarea tulburărilor de creștere, &icirc;n special a hipotrofiei staturo-ponderale este unul major. Modificarea standardului de viață, fenomen de actualitate, se face resimțită și &icirc;n dezvoltarea copiilor, fiind observată accelerarea procesului de creștere, maturizarea psihică fiind mai timpurie. Din păcate, &icirc;nsă, acestea nu sunt singurele efecte care se răsfr&acirc;ng asupra copiilor, fiind prezente, &icirc;n număr c&acirc;t mai mare, și efectele negative, cum ar fi tulburări &icirc;n procesul de creștere și dezvoltare a corpului, scăderea rezistenței etc. Nu toți copiii cresc &icirc;n același ritm, exist&acirc;nd un interval larg de creștere, care poate cuprinde copiii al căror ritm de dezvoltare poate fi considerat normal. Scopul studiului constă &icirc;n prevenirea, dar și recuperarea cu ajutorul &icirc;notului terapeutic a pacientului cu hipotrofie staturo-ponderală. Acesta va beneficia de un program de recuperare individualizat, &icirc;n care toți se vor implica, pentru atingerea scopului și a obiectivelor propuse. Organizarea și metodele cercetării &Icirc;n realizarea articolului științific, recurgem la metoda studiului individual, metoda observației, metoda studiului de caz, metoda grafică. Locul desfășurării programului de recuperare este bazinul de &icirc;not din cadrul Complexului de Natație și Kinetoterapie al Universității &quot;Ștefan cel Mare&quot; Suceava. Acesta este dotat cu echipamente pentru &icirc;not, pe care le-am folosit &icirc;mpreună cu pacientul pentru buna desfășurare a programului. Ședințele de recuperare s-au desfășurat pe o perioadă de 6 luni, din februarie 2018 p&acirc;nă la &icirc;nceputul lunii august 2018. Diferențele dintre valorile pe care pacientul le &icirc;nregistrase &icirc;nainte de &icirc;nceperea programului de &icirc;not terapeutic și cele de la sf&acirc;rșitul perioadei cercetate au fost semnificative. Țin&acirc;nd cont de diagnosticul medical al pacientului: hipotrofie staturo-ponderală, deficit de vitamina D, s-a reușit atingerea obiectivelor principale: creșterea &icirc;n &icirc;nălțime și greutate. Evoluția pacientului a fost vizibilă nu doar la finalul perioadei de recuperare, dar și pe parcursul acesteia. De la o saptăm&acirc;na la alta, pacientul era din ce &icirc;n ce mai activ, &icirc;n cadrul &icirc;notului fiind formate deprinderile motrice, precum și atitudinea pozitivă față de exercițiile realizate.</p></dc:description>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The role of physical therapy in the prevention, detection and treatment of growth disorders, particularly stature-weight hypotrophy is a major one. Changing the standard of living, topical phenomenon, it is felt in the development of children being seen accelerating growth, mental maturity is earlier. But unfortunately they are not the only effects that accrue to children being present in as many negative effects such as disorders in the growth and development of the body, decreased resistance, etc. Not all children grow apace, with a wide range of growth that may include children whose growth rate can be considered normal Purpose and tasks of the work: It is to prevent and recovery with the aid of patients with weakness swimming-weight stature. It will benefit from individualized rehabilitation program, where all will be involved to achieve goals and objectives. Organization and research methods In carrying out scientific article, resort to self-study method, observation method, case study method, graphic method. Venue recovery program is the swimming pool in the complex Swimming and Therapy at the University &quot;Stefan cel Mare&quot;. It is equipped with swimming that we used with the patient for the purposes of the program. Recovery meetings were held over a period of six months, from February 2018 until early August 2018. Conclusions and recommendations The differences between the patient record before starting therapy and the swimming program at the end of the study period were significant. Took into account the advice and recommendations of the letter, medication compliance and not least performing sports activities involved in harmonious physical development) we managed to achieve our main goals: increase in height and weight. To better highlight the results, we represented the values and graphics. Patient evolution was not only visible at the end of the recovery period, but throughout it. From week to week, the patient was becoming more active, driving habits being formed within swimming and positive attitude to exercises conducted.</p></dc:description>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The role of physical therapy in the prevention, detection and treatment of growth disorders, particularly stature-weight hypotrophy is a major one. Changing the standard of living, topical phenomenon, it is felt in the development of children being seen accelerating growth, mental maturity is earlier. But unfortunately they are not the only effects that accrue to children being present in as many negative effects such as disorders in the growth and development of the body, decreased resistance, etc. Not all children grow apace, with a wide range of growth that may include children whose growth rate can be considered normal Purpose and tasks of the work: It is to prevent and recovery with the aid of patients with weakness swimming-weight stature. It will benefit from individualized rehabilitation program, where all will be involved to achieve goals and objectives. Organization and research methods In carrying out scientific article, resort to self-study method, observation method, case study method, graphic method. Venue recovery program is the swimming pool in the complex Swimming and Therapy at the University &quot;Stefan cel Mare&quot;. It is equipped with swimming that we used with the patient for the purposes of the program. Recovery meetings were held over a period of six months, from February 2018 until early August 2018. Conclusions and recommendations The differences between the patient record before starting therapy and the swimming program at the end of the study period were significant. Took into account the advice and recommendations of the letter, medication compliance and not least performing sports activities involved in harmonious physical development) we managed to achieve our main goals: increase in height and weight. To better highlight the results, we represented the values and graphics. Patient evolution was not only visible at the end of the recovery period, but throughout it. From week to week, the patient was becoming more active, driving habits being formed within swimming and positive attitude to exercises conducted.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate (Ediția a 3-a) 107-108</dc:source>
<dc:title>Recuperarea copiilor cu tulburări de dezvoltare prin mijloace specifice &icirc;notului terapeutic</dc:title>