„Știți voi de țara cu salcami in floare” – receptarea productiva a liricii lui Goethe de catre nemții basarabeni
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311 4
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-17 15:13
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similare conform CZU
821.112.2.09(478) (2)
West Germanic literatures (other than English) (38)
SM ISO690:2012
GROSSU-CHIRIAC, Cristina. „Știți voi de țara cu salcami in floare” – receptarea productiva a liricii lui Goethe de catre nemții basarabeni. In: Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului: la cerinţele pieţei muncii. In Memoriam Tamara Matei, Ed. 4, 16-17 aprilie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tehnica-UTM, 2021, Ediția 4, pp. 220-227. ISBN 978-9975-56-893-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului
Ediția 4, 2021
Conferința "Noi tendinţe în predarea limbajelor de specialitate în contextul racordării învăţământului la cerinţele pieţei muncii"
4, Chişinău, Moldova, 16-17 aprilie 2021

„Știți voi de țara cu salcami in floare” – receptarea productiva a liricii lui Goethe de catre nemții basarabeni

CZU: 821.112.2.09(478)

Pag. 220-227

Grossu-Chiriac Cristina
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 27 aprilie 2022


The Bessarabian Germans (1814-1940) had their own literature - poems, stories, short stories, which they published in the periodicals between 19181940. Many texts by local German authors can be found in the annual publication "Deutscher Volkskalender für Bessarabien", some of which are known in the entourage of this minority also after their relocation to Germany in 1940. A relevant example would be the poem „Home”/„Do you know that land where the acacias bloom” by Christian Idler, which became an unofficial anthem of the Bessarabian Germans and their descendants scattered around the world. The anthem dedicated to the native lands of Bessarabia is also an example of a productive reception of the famous Goethe’s poem "Mignon's song" from the Bildungsroman "Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship". The article performs the comparative analysis of both poems, highlighting the specifics of Ch. Idler's poetry related to the value system of the Bessarabian Germans.

nemții basarabeni, receptare productivă, coloniștii germani, Goethe, Basarabia

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ro'>&bdquo;Știți voi de țara cu salcami in floare&rdquo; &ndash; receptarea productiva a liricii lui Goethe de catre nemții basarabeni</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The Bessarabian Germans (1814-1940) had their own literature - poems, stories, short stories, which they published in the periodicals between 19181940. Many texts by local German authors can be found in the annual publication &quot;Deutscher Volkskalender f&uuml;r Bessarabien&quot;, some of which are known in the entourage of this minority also after their relocation to Germany in 1940. A relevant example would be the poem &bdquo;Home&rdquo;/&bdquo;Do you know that land where the acacias bloom&rdquo; by Christian Idler, which became an unofficial anthem of the Bessarabian Germans and their descendants scattered around the world. The anthem dedicated to the native lands of Bessarabia is also an example of a productive reception of the famous Goethe&rsquo;s poem &quot;Mignon&#39;s song&quot; from the Bildungsroman &quot;Wilhelm Meister&#39;s apprenticeship&quot;. The article performs the comparative analysis of both poems, highlighting the specifics of Ch. Idler&#39;s poetry related to the value system of the Bessarabian Germans.</p></description>