Brand – management of hei
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339.138 (436)
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SM ISO690:2012
LIPSIUC, Tatiana. Brand – management of hei. In: Tezele celei de-a : 71-a conferinţă ştiinţifică a studenţilor, Ed. 71, 20 mai 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: Universitatea Agrară, 2018, Ediția 71, T, pp. 63-64. ISBN 978-9975-64-283-5.
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Tezele celei de-a
Ediția 71, T, 2018
Conferința "Conferinţa ştiinţifică a studenţilor"
71, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 mai 2018

Brand – management of hei

CZU: 339.138

Pag. 63-64

Lipsiuc Tatiana
Lutsk National Technical University
Disponibil în IBN: 18 ianuarie 2022


Today, there are many different tools in the marketing arsenal, and branding is one of the most important: it helps the company or individual product to differentiate from competitors, creates added value, increases sales in the long run. [The site of the Ukrainian branding agency SECL.UA] It is brand management that manages important strategic assets - brands - which can often cost many times more than net assets of the entire company. And all because the modern world is very dynamic and the world of the present is a world of images in which even a simple picture can have a very strong impact on the potential consumer. [Website of Branding Agency Brandon Archibald] Just as for any organization or company, branding is now of great importance, and for any university, this is not an outsider issue. Brand - management of any university is also a tool for attracting potential consumers, namely entrants. From the brand of the university there is a lot to learn and thus the potential consumer can immediately answer the question: "Do I really need to go there?" This question was not passed by Lutsk National Technical University. Describing the brand - management of this university, one can safely say that it is developed at an adequate level. Under the brand lies all the necessary information, illuminate its high consumer value, which so every consumer wants, in our case, a potential student of this institution. Studying at Lutsk National University, the student chooses this brand to receive exactly the consumer values that this brand owns, namely the Lutsk NTU brand. Studying in Lutsk NTU is: - high quality of training; - a significant number of places for government orders; - the possibility of parallel training in senior courses at universities in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland and obtaining a European degree; - Possibility to implement student mobility through inter-institutional agreements with partner universities in EU countries; - free short-term internship (with the possibility to receive a scholarship!) at the universities of Germany, Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovakia. [Site of Lutsk National Technical University] It is also important that the brand of this university has long been created. And all that is needed is to develop it in the right direction. More modern in accordance with the requirements of the market environment. This university has its own brand attributes: - the logo - University website. - Branded colors: blue, white and yellow. - branded symbols: various booklets, both by the university itself and its individual structural subdivisions. [Site of Lutsk National Technical University] It is also important that the branding of this university develops at the level of each structural unit, in our case, the faculty, where employees are trying to raise the value of the brand as their faculty, and thus they raise the value of the brand of the Lutsk National Technical University. Thus, in today's conditions, branding has a tremendous impact on consumers. Therefore, an organization that has taken the course of its development may have the most favorable competitive position in market conditions of operation.