Formarea personalității adolescenților în mediul educațional prin prisma inteligenței emoționale
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2024-05-23 14:18
SM ISO690:2012
BĂLAN, Mariana, PATRAŞCU, Dorina, ENACHI, Olga. Formarea personalității adolescenților în mediul educațional prin prisma inteligenței emoționale. In: Cultura cercetării pedagogice: provocări şi tendinţe contemporane, Ed. 1, 5-6 iunie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipografia Universităţii de Stat din Tiraspol, 2021, Ediția 1, Vol.4, pp. 36-47. ISBN 978-9975-76-349-3.
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Dublin Core
Cultura cercetării pedagogice: provocări şi tendinţe contemporane
Ediția 1, Vol.4, 2021
Conferința "Cultura cercetării pedagogice: provocări şi tendinţe contemporane"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 5-6 iunie 2021

Formarea personalității adolescenților în mediul educațional prin prisma inteligenței emoționale

Pag. 36-47

Bălan Mariana, Patraşcu Dorina, Enachi Olga
Colegiul Naţional de Comerţ al ASEM
Disponibil în IBN: 8 noiembrie 2021


Emotional intelligence includes better understanding of one's emotions, effective management of emotions and increasing quality of life, understanding others and a high comfort the interpersonal relationships, as well as building relationships with others at all levels and increasing productivity, along with improving personal image. According to statistics researches, emotional competence is twice as important as technical or intellectual skills. The development of emotional intelligence represents the understanding and management of emotions to create harmonious relationships with others. Among the benefits of increasing emotional intelligence are: increased performance, improved motivation, increased innovation, increased self-confidence, efficient management and comfort in the teamwork. The importance of emotional intelligence for the optimal development of adolescents lies in the fact that: people with high EQ (emotional intelligence) are happier, healthier and more effective in the relationships theyestablish; present a balance between emotion and reason, are aware of their own emotions; show empathy and compassion for others and have a high level of self-respect establish; present a balance between emotion and reason, are aware of their own emotions; show empathy and compassion for others and have a high level of self-respect

Emotional intelligence (EQ), emotions, management of emotions, interpersonal relationships, intellectual skills, emotional competence.