Făină extrudată din năut
Articolul precedent
Articolul urmator
393 9
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-10-30 14:51
SM ISO690:2012
CARELINA, Marina, CARAGIA, Vavil, LINDA, Liudmila, MIGALATIEV, Olga. Făină extrudată din năut. In: Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective, 25-26 septembrie 2015, Bălți. Balti, Republic of Moldova: Tipogr. „Indigou Color”, 2015, Ediția 1, pp. 52-54. ISBN 978-9975-3054-5-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective
Ediția 1, 2015
Conferința "Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective"
Bălți, Moldova, 25-26 septembrie 2015

Făină extrudată din năut

Pag. 52-54

Carelina Marina, Caragia Vavil, Linda Liudmila, Migalatiev Olga
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Horticultură şi Tehnologii Alimentare
Disponibil în IBN: 10 august 2021


Vegetable protein products manufacturing by thermoplastic extrusion method, in Moldova will generate new opportunities for providing population with food protein based on local raw material. As a source of perspective leguminous cultures can be used, for example chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). It contains a relatively small amount of fat, and the amino acid composition of proteins is nutritionally balanced and easily digestible. It was studied the physicochemical and functional-technological properties of chickpeas for use in the manufacture of extruded combined food products.

chickpeas, method of extrusion thermoplastic extruded chickpea flour, functional and technological properties

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Carelina, M.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Caragia, V.F.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Linda, L.P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Migalatiev, O.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>Vegetable protein products manufacturing by thermoplastic extrusion method, in Moldova will generate new opportunities for providing population with food protein based on local raw material. As a source of perspective leguminous cultures can be used, for example chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). It contains a relatively small amount of fat, and the amino acid composition of proteins is nutritionally balanced and easily digestible. It was studied the physicochemical and functional-technological properties of chickpeas for use in the manufacture of extruded combined food products.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective (Ediția 1) 52-54</dc:source>
<dc:subject>method of extrusion thermoplastic extruded chickpea flour</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>functional and technological properties</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Făină extrudată din năut</dc:title>