Social and educational integration modalities for gifted children
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2022-01-07 21:34
SM ISO690:2012
BĂLAN, Mariana, UZLĂU, Carmen. Social and educational integration modalities for gifted children. In: Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice, 1 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, România: Editura PERFORMANTICA, 2020, Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. I, pp. 38-45. ISBN 978-606-685-717-8.
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Creativitatea şi dezvoltarea personală: dimensiuni psihologice și filozofice
Ediția a-XI-a, Vol. I, 2020
Conferința "Conferința Științifică Internațională ”Creativitatea și dezvoltarea personală”"
Iași, Moldova, 1 octombrie 2020

Social and educational integration modalities for gifted children

Pag. 38-45

Bălan Mariana, Uzlău Carmen
National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” (INCE), Romanian Academy
Disponibil în IBN: 7 iunie 2021


The vulnerable group consisting of gifted children, represents a category of students with special educational requirements. They can show fragility, at the level of certain psychic levels, where they are at the chronological age level, and over-performance in certain areas, where they have more advanced abilities than the average. This unique feature of the development of gifted and talented children, asynchrony, is an apparently paradoxical phenomenon and leads to the emergence of the special needs that characterize and make imperious necessary the implementation of specially designed educational and social policies. Forced to function in an intellectual and social environment inadequate with their way of being, the young with special abilities are accumulating frustration, hide their skills, develop antisocial behaviours, tend to under-perform and drop out, face delinquency, depression and even suicide. The special potential of gifted children gives them the opportunity to solve the problems and crises of the humanity but, being a population with a high social risk and special needs, they need adequate protection and guidance in order to realize this potential. When all the factors that make up the gift (intelligence, creativity and self-motivation) are doubled by a social environment that nourishes and enhances the gifted children, they can achieve remarkable performances. The paper presents a brief analysis of the situation of vulnerable groups, made up of children capable of excellence, at the level of European countries, of the educational and social integration measures intended for them. Also, the educational and social measures and policies adopted for the gifted young people in Romania are analyzed.

gifted and talented, social-emotional well-being, social support