Istoria inovațiilor în chimia organică și impactul acestora asupra dezvoltării social-economice
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2023-12-12 09:31
SM ISO690:2012
CURJOS, Vasile, CÎRCHELAN, Ana. Istoria inovațiilor în chimia organică și impactul acestora asupra dezvoltării social-economice. In: Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice, 3 martie 2016, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din C, 2016, pp. 268-273. ISBN 978-9975-88-013-8.
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Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice 2016
Conferința "Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice"
Cahul, Moldova, 3 martie 2016

Istoria inovațiilor în chimia organică și impactul acestora asupra dezvoltării social-economice

Pag. 268-273

Curjos Vasile, Cîrchelan Ana
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 23 martie 2021


Concerns the field of chemistry and chemical separation from other sciences emerged in the eighteenth century works of M. V. Lomonosov from A. L. Lavoisier. Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies the structure, property, synthesis or decomposition reactions of organic compounds. Bochimia has its originele in organic chemistry, but starts as self-contained science when in 1833, the French chemist Anselme Pazen first discovered enzyme called amylase today. Renowned scientists and chemists in the history of organic chemistry are: Friedrich Wohler who managed to obtain laboratory oxalic acid in 1824. In 1928 Alexander Flemend showed how to obtain penicillin from the fungus Penicillinum. Romanian scientist Victor Babes in 1885 suggested that the inhibitory action of substances produced by microorganisms could be used therapeutically to destroy pathogens. German chemist Otto objectionable Unverdorben the first anelina in 1826, the chemist Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe synthesized acetic acid in 1845, and acetylene Berthellot in 1862. Russian chemist Butlerov get Aleksandru methylene iodide, trioxymethylene site, urotropin. German chemist Eduard Buchner in 1896 explains uses the mechanism of alcoholic fermentation. In the second half of the twentieth century James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Willkins causes DNA Structure. Aurelius is Guglia chemist Moldovan which Moldova consisted scientist molecules to fight cancer