Rolul administraţiei publice în instituirea unor mecanisme de protecţie juridică a vieţii private şi a datelor cu caracter personal în spaţiul internet
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432 14
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2024-03-20 14:05
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similare conform CZU
[351/354+342.738:004](478) (1)
Particular activities of public administration (1097)
Lowest levels of administration. Local government. Municipal administration. Local authorities (2622)
Middle levels of administration. Regional, provincial government. Regional authorities (4157)
High level, top level of administration. Central, national government (5814)
Fundamental rights. Human rights. Rights and duties of the citizen (959)
Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing (4300)
SM ISO690:2012
ȚĂRNĂ, Alexandru. Rolul administraţiei publice în instituirea unor mecanisme de protecţie juridică a vieţii private şi a datelor cu caracter personal în spaţiul internet. In: Contribuția tinerilor cercetători la dezvoltarea administrației publice, 28 februarie 2020, Chişinău. Chişinău: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2020, Ediția 6, pp. 231-236.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Contribuția tinerilor cercetători la dezvoltarea administrației publice
Ediția 6, 2020
Conferința "Contribuția tinerilor cercetători la dezvoltarea administrației publice"
Chişinău, Moldova, 28 februarie 2020

Rolul administraţiei publice în instituirea unor mecanisme de protecţie juridică a vieţii private şi a datelor cu caracter personal în spaţiul internet

CZU: [351/354+342.738:004](478)

Pag. 231-236

Țărnă Alexandru
Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Disponibil în IBN: 20 ianuarie 2021


The protection of fundamental rights has become an axiom that no longer requires the luxury of argumentation. From another point of view, the protection of human rights on the Internet is beginning to come out. This is all the more important because the Internet plays an important role in people’s daily life and in all aspects of human society. The impact of the Internet on social, economic and cultural activities is also growing. The title of the article is ,,The role of Public Administration in establishing mechanisms for legal protection of private life and personal data on on the Internet”. It suggests that we will conduct a research into the following topics: obligations to respect specific rules and procedures by public authorities and private companies when they process personal data; general surveillance or interception measures; respect of privacy at the workplace; assistance provided by the data protection authority; network and information security.

public, administration, human, rights, Internet, Privacy, Internet, Governance, Data protection personal data, NCPDP

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Țărnă, A.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>The protection of fundamental rights has become an axiom that no longer requires the luxury of argumentation. From another point of view, the protection of human rights on the Internet is beginning to come out. This is all the more important because the Internet plays an important role in people&rsquo;s daily life and in all aspects of human society. The impact of the Internet on social, economic and cultural activities is also growing. The title of the article is ,,The role of Public Administration in establishing mechanisms for legal protection of private life and personal data on on the Internet&rdquo;. It suggests that we will conduct a research into the following topics: obligations to respect specific rules and procedures by public authorities and private companies when they process personal data; general surveillance or interception measures; respect of privacy at the workplace; assistance provided by the data protection authority; network and information security.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Contribuția tinerilor cercetători la dezvoltarea administrației publice (Ediția 6) 231-236</dc:source>
<dc:subject>Data protection personal data</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Rolul administraţiei publice &icirc;n instituirea unor mecanisme de protecţie juridică a vieţii private şi a datelor cu caracter personal &icirc;n spaţiul internet</dc:title>