Considerații generale privind integritatea sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova
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461 5
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-01-02 13:44
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similare conform CZU
347.9(478) (13)
Legal procedure. Judiciary personnel and organization (965)
SM ISO690:2012
SÂRBU, Aliona. Considerații generale privind integritatea sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova. In: Rolul ştiinţei în reformarea sistemului juridic şi politico-administrativ.: Secţia: Ştiinţe juridice, Ed. 4, 10 decembrie 2019, Cahul. Cahul: Tipografia "Centrografic”, 2018, Ediția 4, pp. 176-180. ISBN 978-9975-88-055-8.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Rolul ştiinţei în reformarea sistemului juridic şi politico-administrativ.
Ediția 4, 2018
Conferința "Rolul ştiinţei în reformarea sistemului juridic şi poilitico-administrativ"
4, Cahul, Moldova, 10 decembrie 2019

Considerații generale privind integritatea sistemului judiciar din Republica Moldova

CZU: 347.9(478)

Pag. 176-180

Sârbu Aliona
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 9 octombrie 2020


The article presents shortly description about how to built the integrity in the judiciary system of RM. The integrity is that virtue that encompasses a series of moral traits, such as honesty, and probity. Although it is more and more common about it, but often personal integrity is confusing with the institutional integrity. It is true that in last period the judiciary integrity is not so good, where for, in this publication I intend to summarize causes, factors and solutions. In order to improve the quality of the judiciary integrity in the Republic of Moldova, it is imperative and timely for each party to communicate why it is necessary to be fair and honest. I am convince that the integrity - as a value in exercising of judge profession, therefor must be infused at any stage of a judge's career. Institutional, these attributions come back to the Superior Council of Judges and National Institute of Justice. Strengthening of judiciary integrity takes place by eliminating corruption in the judiciary, respecting deontology and judicial ethics, respectively by improving the efficiency of justice through managerial means. The problem of lack of integrity in the judiciary system has been signaled, including by the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), the European Council, NGOs. Thus, in order to respect the findings of European experts and the recommendations of international bodies, as well as the implementation of the national anticorruption strategy, it would be appropriate to develop a strategy for strengthening the integrity of justice accompanied by an Action Plan for the achievement of each proposed objective, as integrity of the judiciary and individual integrity. In conclusion, it is necessary to continue to carry out the reforms related to integrity in the judiciary system of the Republic of Moldova, both at institutional and individual level, thus ensuring the increase of transparency, efficiency, quality and access to the judiciary.

integrity, the judiciary system, ethics, Honesty, Honesty, probity, corruption, anticorruption strategy