Technology of processing the organic part of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in an ecological product for agriculture
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2021-11-26 17:52
SM ISO690:2012
POVAR, Igor, MIHAILENCO, Alexandru, SPATARU, Petru, MAFTULEAC, Alexei, SPINU, Oxana, BUZILA, Silvia. Technology of processing the organic part of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in an ecological product for agriculture. In: Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра: Платформа для сотрудничества и современные вызовы, 26-27 octombrie 2017, Tiraspol. Tiraspol: Eco-TIRAS, 2017, Ediția a VIII-a, pp. 291-294. ISBN 978-9975-66-591-9.
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Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра
Ediția a VIII-a, 2017
Conferința "Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра"
Tiraspol, Moldova, 26-27 octombrie 2017

Technology of processing the organic part of sludge from wastewater treatment plants in an ecological product for agriculture

Pag. 291-294

Povar Igor, Mihailenco Alexandru, Spataru Petru, Maftuleac Alexei, Spinu Oxana, Buzila Silvia
Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 14 august 2020


A novel technology of the aerobic meso-thermophilic fermentation process for the optimal separation of sludge at WWTP, in terms of energy, has been developed. During the thermal sedimentation, viscosity of colloidal micelles is reduced, allowing the sludge to be separated from an amount (about 60-65%) of free water. As a result of using this technology, the sludge water (50% or more of the sediment volume) is fed to the dilution of incoming wastewater to the head of the treatment plant, while the organic part (30-35% of the volume of sediment) is sent to microbiological processing either into biofertilizers or into microbial biomass used, for example, as enzyme feed additives, and the mineral part is removed to sand or silt areas.