Современное состояние фитопланктона реки Днестр
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SM ISO690:2012
ТУМАНОВА, Дарья, УНГУРЯНУ, Лауренция. Современное состояние фитопланктона реки Днестр. In: Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра: Платформа для сотрудничества и современные вызовы, 26-27 octombrie 2017, Tiraspol. Tiraspol: Eco-TIRAS, 2017, Ediția a VIII-a, pp. 386-389. ISBN 978-9975-66-591-9.
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Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра
Ediția a VIII-a, 2017
Conferința "Интегрированное управление трансграничным бассейном Днестра"
Tiraspol, Moldova, 26-27 octombrie 2017

Современное состояние фитопланктона реки Днестр

Pag. 386-389

Туманова Дарья, Унгуряну Лауренция
Институт Зоологии АН РМ
Disponibil în IBN: 13 august 2020


The article presents the results of study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of phytoplankton of the Dniester River within the Republic of Moldova in 2015-2016. In phytoplankton compositions of the Dniester River were identified 81 species. Seasonal and long-term of phytoplankton have been established in middle and lower section of the Dniester River. The numbers of phytoplankton changed within the limits 1,49 to 16,26 mln. cel/l with biomass 1,96-9,38 g/m3 in the spring, from 1,16 to 19,42 mln. cel/l with biomass 1,16-15,31 g/m3 in the summer, and from 1,23 mln. cel/l to 18,46 mln. cel/l with biomass 0,95-8,32 g/m3 during autumn. The values of saprobic indexes, estimated on the basis of species-indicators (52 species) from phytoplankton composition, which are in proportion of 60% typically β-mezosaprobic, confirm the following: the water quality of Dniester River in the period 2015-2016 was satisfactory for the development of phytoplankton and was attributed mainly to II-III (good-moderately polluted) quality classes.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Tumanova, D.S.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Ungureanu, L.N.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ru'>Современное состояние фитопланктона реки Днестр</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The article presents the results of study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of phytoplankton of the Dniester River within the Republic of Moldova in 2015-2016. In phytoplankton compositions of the Dniester River were identified 81 species. Seasonal and long-term of phytoplankton have been established in middle and lower section of the Dniester River. The numbers of phytoplankton changed within the limits 1,49 to 16,26 mln. cel/l with biomass 1,96-9,38 g/m3 in the spring, from 1,16 to 19,42 mln. cel/l with biomass 1,16-15,31 g/m3 in the summer, and from 1,23 mln. cel/l to 18,46 mln. cel/l with biomass 0,95-8,32 g/m3 during autumn. The values of saprobic indexes, estimated on the basis of species-indicators (52 species) from phytoplankton composition, which are in proportion of 60% typically &beta;-mezosaprobic, confirm the following: the water quality of Dniester River in the period 2015-2016 was satisfactory for the development of phytoplankton and was attributed mainly to II-III (good-moderately polluted) quality classes.</p></description>