Which are the possibilities to produce an autochton olive oil in Albania?
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SM ISO690:2012
MUCA(DASHI), Etleva, GURI, Fatmir, KOKHTI, Elena, HODAJ, Natasha. Which are the possibilities to produce an autochton olive oil in Albania? In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , 2012, nr. 2, pp. 31-40. ISSN 1843-5971.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Numărul 2 / 2012 / ISSN 1843-5971 /ISSNe 2284-7820

Which are the possibilities to produce an autochton olive oil in Albania?

CZU: 665.327.3(496.5)

Pag. 31-40

Muca(Dashi) Etleva1, Guri Fatmir1, Kokhti Elena2, Hodaj Natasha1
1 University of Tirana,
2 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection
Disponibil în IBN: 14 iulie 2020


Olive orchard is considered as one of the main sectors of agriculture and an inseparable part of the nutrition regime in Albania. Actually the country is facing with a lot of problems with the quality of olive oil, which is related to the cultivation methods and agronomic techniques. In the other side olive genetic patrimony of the country is considered very rich (Kafazi & Muço, 1984; Osmani, 1993), considering the small area of cultivation. Last years, Albanian consummators are skeptics in using Albanian olive oils, because of the absence of quality norms. In this frame one of the possible solutions will be the promotion of the olive oil as a territory product. (PDO, PGI).

olive oil, territory product, PDO, PGI, autochthon cultivars