Date preliminare privind dieta ciufului de pădure (Asio Otus Otus L.) în perioada de iarnă în împrejurimile mun. Chişinău
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2022-08-10 14:57
SM ISO690:2012
NISTREANU, Victoria, LARION, Alina, POSTOLACHI, Vladislav. Date preliminare privind dieta ciufului de pădure (Asio Otus Otus L.) în perioada de iarnă în împrejurimile mun. Chişinău. In: Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective, Ed. 47, 27-28 octombrie 2015, Кишинев. Кишинев: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2015, nr.47, pp. 91-94. ISBN 978-9975-56-266-9 .
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective
nr.47, 2015
Simpozionul "Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective"
47, Кишинев, Moldova, 27-28 octombrie 2015

Date preliminare privind dieta ciufului de pădure (Asio Otus Otus L.) în perioada de iarnă în împrejurimile mun. Chişinău

Pag. 91-94

Nistreanu Victoria, Larion Alina, Postolachi Vladislav
Institutul de Zoologie al AŞM
Teze de doctorat:
Disponibil în IBN: 28 aprilie 2020


The trophic spectrum of an Asio otus colony from Chişinău city in winter period of 2011-2013 was studied. There were collected about 1000 pellets, of which almost 400 were analysed. The main prey species of long-eared owl are the small rodents, which constitute more than 95% from all identified animals, the birds, shrews and bats were recorded in low quantity. The main prey of Asio otus individuals were the species of genus Microtus (M. arvalis and M. rossiameridionalis), which constituted almost 55%, followed by Apodemus sylvaticus and by ther species of genus Mus (M. spicilegus and M. musculus). Other species registered less than 5%. Thus, the trophic spectrum of long-eared owl in winter period consist mostly of field vole, which is the most abundant in agroecosystems and is considered pest species.

Asio otus, pellets, trophic spectrum, Rodents, Microtus

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