Аудит операций с экологическими активами и обязательствами: методические подходы
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2024-02-27 09:20
SM ISO690:2012
МАСЬКО, Людмила. Аудит операций с экологическими активами и обязательствами: методические подходы. In: Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale, 1-2 noiembrie 2019, Chisinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2019, p. 21. ISBN 978-9975-142-57-1.
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Dublin Core
Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale 2019
Conferința "Paradigme moderne în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi mondiale"
Chisinău, Moldova, 1-2 noiembrie 2019

Аудит операций с экологическими активами и обязательствами: методические подходы

Pag. 21-21

Масько Людмила
Полоцкий государственный университет МО РБ
Disponibil în IBN: 9 aprilie 2020


Modern business conditions require preserving the environment. In this regard, the reflection of environmental indicators in the accounting (financial) statements is reasonable and practically significant. Reliable estimation of the influence of environmental aspects on the reporting of audited entity may be obtained with audit procedures. The audit of operations with environmental assets and liabilities has been researched in the article in order to develop a methodology for its implementation. Based on the results of the study, the scheme of the proposed integrated approach to the segmentation of information in the audit of environmental issues of financial statements of organizations is substantiated. The proposed audit methodology for operations with environmental assets and liabilities will allow to assess fully and reliably the impact of environmental aspects on the results of the audited organization activity and their presentation in the financial statements.

financial statements, Assets, liabilities