
Afisarea articolelor 1-3(3) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "macroelements"
The action of the food and thermal factor on the saline metabolism in calves in the postnatal period.
Buzan Vladimir1, Balacci Serghei1, Balan Ion2, Roşca Nicolae1
1 Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology, MSU,
2 Technical University of Moldova
The Museum and Scientific Research
Ediția 30. 2023. Craiova, România. ISBN 2668-5469.
Disponibil online 8 October, 2023. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-173
The action of the food and thermal factor on the saline metabolism in calves in the postnatal period
Buzan Vladimir1, Balacci Serghei1, Balan Ion2, Roşca Nicolae1
1 Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology, MSU,
2 Technical University of Moldova
Oltenia - studii si comunicari stiintele naturii
Nr. 2(39) / 2023 / ISSN 1454-6914
Disponibil online 14 December, 2023. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-167
Influence of temperature and food factor on saline metabolism in cattle
Balacci Serghei, Creţu Roman, Bacu Gheorghii
Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology, MSU
Natural sciences in the dialogue of generations
2023. Chişinău. ISBN 978-9975-3430-9-1.
Disponibil online 18 October, 2023. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-166

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