
Afișare rezultate

SM ISO690:2012
Afisarea articolelor 1-3(3) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "AML/CFT"
Identification of beneficial owner – the main tool in preventing and combating money laundering and the terrorism financing
Autor Nou
Adapting Public Services to the Technological Challenges and to the Business Environment Expectations
Ediția a 3-a. 2023. Chişinău. ISBN (pdf) 978-9975-167-18-5.
Disponibil online 29 March, 2024. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-96
Approaches to the complexity of the beneficial ownership regulation
Belobrov Angela
Adapting Public Services to the Technological Challenges and to the Business Environment Expectations
Ediția a 3-a. 2023. Chişinău. ISBN (pdf) 978-9975-167-18-5.
Disponibil online 29 March, 2024. Descarcări-3. Vizualizări-140
Greylisting: Punishment or Opportunity?
Romanova Inna1, Kornert Jan2, Kudinska Marina1
2 University of Greifswald
International Applied Social Sciences Congress
Ediţia 7. 2023. Ankara. ISBN 978-625-94328-0-9.
Disponibil online 1 April, 2024. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-97

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