
Golocialova Irina

Teze / Rezumate în culegeri - 2, Descărcări - 7, Vizualizări - 363
ISO 690-2012

2023 - 1

Convergence matrix of IFRS methodology and SEEA for recognition of mineral resources in the context of transition to a sustainable accounting and reporting model: limitations and opportunities of Moldova's practice
Golochalova Irina
Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administratrion – GEBA
Ediția 15. 2023. Iași . Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași,. 124-124.
Disponibil online 19 March, 2024. Descarcări-2. Vizualizări-145

2022 - 1

Assesing the imperativeness of recognizing natural capital in the context of the socio-economic paradigm of financial reporting
Golochalova Irina , Jomir Florentina
Accounting and Finance – the global languages in business
Ediția 7. 2022. Pitesti. . 16-16.
Disponibil online 3 May, 2023. Descarcări-5. Vizualizări-218
1 - 2 of 2