
Afiliat la Î.S. „Fiscservinform”

2017 - 3

General Aspects of the State Tax Critical Information Infrastructure Management
Coceban Vitalie , Rusnac Andrei
Information Technologies, Systems And Networks
Volumul 1. 2017. Chisinau. Editura ULIM. 78-85.
Disponibil online 14 March, 2018
The General Aspects of the Information Technical Protection
Rusnac Andrei
Information Technologies, Systems And Networks
Volumul 1. 2017. Chisinau. Editura ULIM. 171-176.
Disponibil online 15 March, 2018
General Aspects of the Information War Preventing and Combating
Rusnac Andrei
Information Technologies, Systems And Networks
Volumul 1. 2017. Chisinau. Editura ULIM. 253-259.
Disponibil online 15 March, 2018

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