
Afiliat la Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2012 - 2

EPR investigation of tetranuclear Fe3Ln (Ln3+ = Sm3+, Gd3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Lu3+) clusters
Sukhanov A. , Bagryanskaya E. , Fedin M. , Turtă Constantin , Prodius Denis , Veber S. , Voronkova Violeta
Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
XVII. 2012. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 143-143.
Disponibil online 28 May, 2020
Photoswitching of the Schiff-base pentadentate Fe(III) complexes according to data continuous-wave and timeresolved EPR spectroscopy
Ivanova T. , Ovchinnikov I. , Turanova Oliga , Ivanova G. , Sukhanov A.
Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
XVII. 2012. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 90-90.
Disponibil online 27 May, 2020

2006 - 1

EPR investigation of the exchange interaction in the heteronuclear compound [{CuL}Gd(H2O)3{Fe(CN)6}]4H2O
Galeev R. , Mingalieva (Korobchenko) Liudmila , Sukhanov A. , Voronkova Violeta , Gheorghe Ruxandra , Andruh Marius
Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
XVII. 2006. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 127-127.
Disponibil online 10 June, 2020

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