
Afiliat la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

2023 - 1

On fractals generated by a type of ifss with condensation
Guţu Valeriu
Mathematics and Information Technologies: Research and Education
2023. Chişinău. . 43-44.
Disponibil online 25 April, 2024

2021 - 3

Lyapunov functions and chain recurrent relations in discrete inclusions
Glavan Vasile , Guţu Valeriu
Mathematics and Information Technologies: Research and Education
2021. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. . 35-36.
Disponibil online 30 June, 2021
An algorithm to construct some kinds of planar fractals
Guţu Valeriu
Mathematics and Information Technologies: Research and Education
2021. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. . 40-41.
Disponibil online 30 June, 2021
Geometric aspects in teaching the course "Differential Equations"
Guţu Valeriu
Actual Problems of Mathematics and Informatics
2021. Chişinău. Tehnica- UTM. 145-145.
Disponibil online 25 June, 2021

2020 - 1

Recurrent subdynamics on viable sets under discrete inclusions
Glavan Vasile , Guţu Valeriu
Сучаснi проблеми диференцiальних рiвнянь та їх застосування Матерiали мiжнародної наукової конференцiї, присвяченої 100-рiччю вiд дня народження професора С.Д. Ейдельмана
2020. Чернiвцi. Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича. 36-37.
Disponibil online 24 November, 2023

2019 - 1

Sums of convex compacta as attractors of hyperbolic IFS’s
Guţu Valeriu
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis
Nr. 2(54) / 2019 / ISSN 1230-3429
Disponibil online 7 April, 2020

2017 - 1

Topological mixing and specification in weakly contracting relations
Glavan Vasile , Guţu Valeriu
Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova
4. 2017. Chişinău. Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM. 281-284.
Disponibil online 5 October, 2017

2014 - 1

On compact viable sets in affine IFS with coherent hyperbolic structure
Glavan Vasile , Guţu Valeriu
Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova
3. 2014. Chișinău. "VALINEX" SRL. 199-202.
Disponibil online 9 October, 2017

2008 - 1

Attractors in affine differential systems with impulsive control
Guţu Valeriu
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
Nr. 1(56) / 2008 / ISSN 1024-7696 / ISSNe 2587-4322
Disponibil online 8 December, 2013

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