Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport SciencesMedicină, 2020
Micronutrients and their importance in the students sports training practicing powerlifting
Prodan Dumitru
State University of Physical Education and Sport
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 1. 2020. București, România. ISSN 2734-8512.
Melotherapy – tools used in working with the autistic child
Apostol-Popovici Daniela-Gabriela
"Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University from Chisinau
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 1. 2020. București, România. ISSN 2734-8512.
Internet addiction: technology or pathology
Apostol-Popovici Daniela-Gabriela
"Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University from Chisinau
Actualities and Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Ediția 1. 2020. București, România. ISSN 2734-8512.

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