Aspecte tehnologice de cultivare a soiei
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2024-06-05 20:45
SM ISO690:2012
MELECA, Anatolie, DIACIUC, Natalia, CRIUCICOV, Oleg, LEAȘENCO, G.. Aspecte tehnologice de cultivare a soiei. In: Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor, 6 septembrie 2018, Pașcani. Pașcani: 2018, pp. 360-369.
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Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor 2018
Conferința "Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor"
Pașcani, Moldova, 6 septembrie 2018

Aspecte tehnologice de cultivare a soiei

Pag. 360-369

Meleca Anatolie1, Diaciuc Natalia1, Criucicov Oleg1, Leașenco G.2
1 Institutul de Fitotehnie „Porumbeni“,
2 Reprezentanţa “Danube Soya” in Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 3 februarie 2020


The Demonstrative Platform of soiybean was fonded within The Institute of Grop Science ”Porumbeni” with the support of the Danube Soya Associasion. The topic discussed by this Platform was the following: the study of 35 varieties of soybeans behaniour, autochtonous and foreign from different maturity groups and tehnological procedures for soybean cultivation in pedoclimaterical conditions in 2017.

Soybean, maturity grups, Inoculation, fertilization, herbicides application, terms and rates of sowing