Studies of Moldovan Juglans Regia L. Ecotypes through molecular markers and biochemical traits
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SM ISO690:2012
MAPELLI, Sergio, PÎNTEA, Maria, BRAMBILLA, Ida, MATTANA, Monicа, POLLEGIONI, P., MALVOLTI, M.. Studies of Moldovan Juglans Regia L. Ecotypes through molecular markers and biochemical traits. In: Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor: conferinţă ştiinţifică internaţională , Ed. 6, 23-24 octombrie 2017, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2017, Ediția 6, pp. 140-143. ISBN 978-9975-56-463-2.
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Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor
Ediția 6, 2017
Conferința "Genetica, fiziologia şi ameliorarea plantelor, "
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 23-24 octombrie 2017

Studies of Moldovan Juglans Regia L. Ecotypes through molecular markers and biochemical traits

CZU: 634.51:577.2:575.22

Pag. 140-143

Mapelli Sergio1, Pîntea Maria2, Brambilla Ida1, Mattana Monicа1, Pollegioni P.3, Malvolti M.3
1 Research Institute of Agricultural Biology and Biotechnology, Milano,
2 Practical Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Food Technology,
3 Institute for Agro-environmental and Forest Biology, (CNR), Porano
Disponibil în IBN: 18 decembrie 2019


Juglans regia L., Persian or English walnut, is an economically fruit crop species with edible kernels and widely planted in the temperate zones. Moldova has an ancient tradition in walnut cultivation increased during the centuries by a large spreading of seeds. Searching of walnut biotypes for establishing new varieties are important for future. Surveys of walnut germplasm were done in the northern (N), north west (NW) and central (C) agro ecological zones of the Republic of Moldova, and nuts were harvested on seventy trees of walnut from natural populations. Study focused on biodiversity evaluation through biochemical traits and genetic molecular markers has been the aim of the present research.  High differentiation between the three agro zones was observed for the biochemical traits while the molecular markers presented the Moldovan germplasm as a panmittic unit, indicating an environmental influences on kernel characteristics.

walnut germplasm, Genetic diversity, SSR genotyping, nut traits, pomological analysis