Аспекты этнической истории и культурного наследия гагаузов юго-восточной европы в контексте российско-молдавских отношений
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39(=512.165):94(478+470) (1)
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История Российской Федерации. Россия (15)
SM ISO690:2012
РАДОВА (КАРАНАСТАС), Ольга. Аспекты этнической истории и культурного наследия гагаузов юго-восточной европы в контексте российско-молдавских отношений. In: Știință, educație, cultură, 10 februarie 2017, Comrat. Comrat: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2017, Vol.2, pp. 251-253. ISBN 978-9975-83-041-6.
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Știință, educație, cultură
Vol.2, 2017
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 10 februarie 2017

Аспекты этнической истории и культурного наследия гагаузов юго-восточной европы в контексте российско-молдавских отношений

CZU: 39(=512.165):94(478+470)

Pag. 251-253

Радова (Каранастас) Ольга12
1 Стамбульский университет,
2 Ассоциация учёных Молдовы им. Н. Милеску-Спэтару
Disponibil în IBN: 29 martie 2019


In this scientific report the author reveals the historical-cultural and religious aspects of the Gagauz and South-Eastern Europe in the context of integration processes in Republic of Moldova. In matters relating to ethnic history, heritage and religion of the Gagauz, the author, referring to her own fundamental scientific works proves that the Gagauz of the South-Eastern Europe are the autochtonous population. The Gagauz as an independent ethnic group was formed on the territories of the South-Eastern Europe, including the Balkans and also the historical territory of Bessarabia and Bucak. The ancient ancestors of the Gagauz were living in the South-Eastern Europe for more than twenty-five hundred years (2500 and more); they (ancestors of the Gagauz) inhabited the region long before the arrival of the Seljuk Turks and the Ottoman Turks, and began to accept Christianity from the apostolic times, from the beginning of the I-II cent. A.D. The article describes geopolitical aspects, in the context of integration processes in the Republic of Moldova, including Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri). The author comes to the conclusion that after the dismantlement of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the formation of sovereign states, the problem of protecting the Gagauz national and cultural identity has become more tangible. With the dismantlement of the USSR the Gagauz of Bessarabia were divided once again by the state border; as a result, some of them remained within the borders of the sovereign Republic of Moldova, and the other part - in the Ukraine. Thus, we see a parallel in the historical destiny of the Gagauz people, which took place during the falling of the Ottoman Empire and the dismantlement of the Soviet Union. Based on the difficulties existing at present stage on the way to the European integration of the Republic of Moldova and the geopolitical aspect in the entire South-Eastern Europe, the best way for Moldova is its federal structure, preserving the sovereignty and neutrality that will promote expansion of cultural and economic opportunities. Thus, the Republic of Moldova, at the same time, will be a bridge between the Eurasian Customs Union, the European Union and other countries in Asia and Europe

Russian-Moldovan relations, the Balkan Peninsula, Bucak, the Eurasian Customs Union, European Union, South-Eastern Europe, the Republic of Moldova, Gagauzia, ethnic history, Gagauz, religion, integration, referendum.