Rezolvarea creativă a problemelor în activitatea managerului instituţiei de învățământ
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776 5
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-04-05 14:24
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similare conform CZU
371.13.02 (2)
Воспитание. Обучение. Образование (14882)
SM ISO690:2012
STEFOGLO, Vera, IANIOGLO, Maria. Rezolvarea creativă a problemelor în activitatea managerului instituţiei de învățământ. In: Научно-образовательное пространство:: реалии и перспективы повышения качества образования, Ed. 1, 30 martie 2018, Comrat. Комрат: Tipografia "A & V Poligraf", 2018, Ediția 1, pp. 41-46. ISBN 978-9975-83-068-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Научно-образовательное пространство:
Ediția 1, 2018
Conferința "Научно-образовательное пространство:"
1, Comrat, Moldova, 30 martie 2018

Rezolvarea creativă a problemelor în activitatea managerului instituţiei de învățământ

CZU: 371.13.02

Pag. 41-46

Stefoglo Vera1, Ianioglo Maria2
1 Liceul Teoretic nr. 2, or. Vulcănești,
2 Universitatea de Stat din Comrat
Disponibil în IBN: 2 ianuarie 2019


In effective schools, executives act as educational leaders, constantly communicating the mission of their colleagues, pupils, parents, and the community in general. Also, in such schools, teachers are aware of the need for coordination and support from the Director. As a result, he / she feels his / her responsibility for his / her pedagogical leadership status and tries to spend more time in the school by participating in the instructive-educational program, monitoring the progress of the pupils, and providing permanent feedback to students, teachers and parents in relation to the initial objectives. The ability to be creative at work is the central factor of personal satisfaction. In this context, satisfying the need for creativity is the main source of satisfaction in the professional activity of the school manager, and the management team has an overwhelming influence on the extent to which teachers can be creative in the school environment.

school manager, creativity, creative skills, managerial competence, reforms, managerial creativity,

managerial responsibility, pragmatic education