Date noi despre catalogul bibliotecii profesorului ieşean Dimitrie Govdelas (1780 -1831) (din dosarele arhivelor din Chişinău)
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2019-11-27 10:52
SM ISO690:2012
DANILOV, Maria. Date noi despre catalogul bibliotecii profesorului ieşean Dimitrie Govdelas (1780 -1831) (din dosarele arhivelor din Chişinău). In: Magazin bibliologic, 2011, nr. 1-2, pp. 25-31. ISSN 1857-1476.
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Dublin Core
Magazin bibliologic
Numărul 1-2 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-1476

Date noi despre catalogul bibliotecii profesorului ieşean Dimitrie Govdelas (1780 -1831) (din dosarele arhivelor din Chişinău)

Pag. 25-31

Danilov Maria12
1 Muzeul Naţional de Arheologie şi Istorie a Moldovei,
2 Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 21 iulie 2017


The information supplied here is undoubtedly contradictory, and does not provide a plausible description of the preoccupations of the professor of the Jassy Academy of Spiritual Science, the Greek Dimitrie Govdelas, during the period when he lived in Bessarabia. The fact is, that on 1 April 1825, Dimitrie Govdelas borrowed 335 Dutch golden coins from the Bessarabian boyar Dimitrie Carastati, putting in pledge several boxes of books (2723 volumes), assuming also the obligation to pay monthly a rate of one to one hundred. Perhaps after the date of April 1, 1825 he went abroad, pledging his library which was his only spiritual wealth. Other historiographical sources attest that in 1828 he was in the German city of Munich. It is likely that after the year 1830, he managed to return back to Iasi, where he died in 1831. Using primary sources, we depict the destiny of the book collection brought in Bessarabia by Dimitrie Govdelas.