Concepte ale societăţii informaţionale „Informare” – „Informaţie”
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SM ISO690:2012
DRĂGULĂNESCU, Nicolae-George. Concepte ale societăţii informaţionale „Informare” – „Informaţie”. In: Magazin bibliologic, 2011, nr. 1-2, pp. 3-6. ISSN 1857-1476.
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Magazin bibliologic
Numărul 1-2 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-1476

Concepte ale societăţii informaţionale „Informare” – „Informaţie”

Pag. 3-6

Drăgulănescu Nicolae-George
Fundatia Romana pentru Promovarea Calitatii
Disponibil în IBN: 21 iulie 2017


“Information” and “appraisal” are nowadays more than ever essential concepts of human activity and life. In addition, today information is one of the most valuable and important resources for more and more organizations. The concept “information” (in English only in the singular) could be defined as a (representing answers to basic questions like why?, where?, when?, who?) organized in such a way, that its value is higher that the sum of the values of the respective facts. This concept should not be confused with other similar concepts such as “data” (relating to primary facts ) and “knowledge” (relating to answers that could be given to other essential questions like why? what for? and how?). Consequently, “information” can be defined as organized data, and “knowledge” as understood information.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Drăgulănescu, N.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Fundatia Romana pentru Promovarea Calitatii, România</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Concepte ale societăţii informaţionale „Informare” – „Informaţie”</title>
<publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1857-1476</relatedIdentifier>
<date dateType='Issued'>2011-06-28</date>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>“Information” and “appraisal” are nowadays more than ever essential concepts of human activity and life. In addition, today information is one of the most valuable and important resources for more and more organizations. The concept “information” (in English only in the singular) could be defined as a <collection of data> (representing answers to basic questions like why?, where?, when?, who?) organized in such a way, that its value is higher that the sum of the values of the respective facts. This concept should not be confused with other similar concepts such as “data” (relating to primary facts <raw>) and “knowledge” (relating to answers that could be given to other essential questions like why? what for? and how?). Consequently, “information” can be defined as organized data, and “knowledge” as understood information. </description>