Importanta rolului societatii civile in combaterea spalarii banilor publici
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316.334.2(478) (2)
Социальная структура. Общество как социальная система (1018)
SM ISO690:2012
BUSUNCIAN, Tatiana, CERGA, Irina, BUSUNCIAN, Elena. Importanta rolului societatii civile in combaterea spalarii banilor publici. In: Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice, 2015, nr. 3(169), pp. 66-78. ISSN 1957-2294.
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Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice
Numărul 3(169) / 2015 / ISSN 1957-2294

Importanta rolului societatii civile in combaterea spalarii banilor publici
CZU: 316.334.2(478)

Pag. 66-78

Busuncian Tatiana1, Cerga Irina2, Busuncian Elena2
1 Universitatea de Stat din Moldova,
2 Centrul Pro Marshall din RM
Disponibil în IBN: 25 februarie 2016


Money laundering and terrorist financing are closely related phenomena of the shadow economy. The increasing incidence of these financial crimes has highlighted the serious threat to the integrity of national and international financial systems. Circulation of information, capital, people, goods and services dictate the need to change the attitudes towards transnational crimes. Ensuring an effective cooperation, both nationally and internationally, to combat public money laundering and terrorist financing, depends on a planned approach of exchange of information and knowledge, ensuring continuity of formal and informal common databases, that occur several key directions such as quick change of the legal framework, operation concepts, strategies, policies and technologies. An accurate and impartial information will contribute to increase the society’s confidence in the system of institutions involved in preventing and combating public money laundering. Each target included in the work plans or strategy, will increase national system to prevent and combat public money laundering. Therefore, each objective will include several actions to be achieved within the deadlines set by each responsible institution.

civil society, money laundering, Cooperation, operations, international, goods, knowledge, institution,


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<creatorName>Cerga, I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Centrul Pro Marshall din RM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Busuncian, E.</creatorName>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>Money laundering and terrorist financing are closely related phenomena of the shadow economy. The increasing incidence of these financial crimes has highlighted the serious threat to the integrity of national and international financial systems. Circulation of information, capital, people, goods and services dictate the need to change the attitudes towards transnational crimes. Ensuring an effective cooperation, both nationally and internationally, to combat public money laundering and terrorist financing, depends on a planned approach of exchange of information and knowledge, ensuring continuity of formal and informal common databases, that occur several key directions such as quick change of the legal framework, operation concepts, strategies, policies and technologies. An accurate and impartial information will contribute to increase the society’s confidence in the system of institutions involved in preventing and combating public money laundering. Each target included in the work plans or strategy, will increase national system to prevent and combat public money laundering. Therefore, each objective will include several actions to be achieved within the deadlines set by each responsible institution. </description>