Mecanismele de funcţionare a mass-mediei: teorii şi efecte
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MORARU, Victor, TACU, Mariana. Mecanismele de funcţionare a mass-mediei: teorii şi efecte. In: Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice, 2014, nr. 2(165), pp. 161-176. ISSN 1957-2294.
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Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie şi Ştiinţe Politice
Numărul 2(165) / 2014 / ISSN 1957-2294

Mecanismele de funcţionare a mass-mediei: teorii şi efecte
CZU: 070:316.77+32

Pag. 161-176

Moraru Victor, Tacu Mariana
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 14 iulie 2014


The communicationcan´t be realized without a subject endowed with consciousness, being at the same time a process through which a person, the communicator, transmits the stimuli, usually verbal, in order to change the behavior of other people, the public. Mass media guarantees emotions and similar intellectual predispositions, behaviors and ways of responding to the expectations, solicitations and requests, becoming a process through which functions the society. The predominant media, within a specific social framework determines the specific structure of the cultural universe. The functioning mechanism of the mass media, both theoretically and practically, becomes increasingly complex, contributing to the transformation of the reality in an industry of words and images. The mainstream events and the media coverage by the filtration of real life determines the level of the contemporary informational democracy and the capacity of the media consumer to analyze, in an autonomous way, the reality. Th e fundamental projections regarding its development represent the premises referring to the variety of the informing methods, the new media force, the cognitive effects, the reactions, the attitudes and the behaviors of people.


Mechanism, information, media communicative act