The role of psychological education in the psychosocial functioning of caregivers to people with chronic medical conditions
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376.015.3 (34)
Воспитание, образование и обучение особых групп лиц. Специальные школы (658)
SM ISO690:2012
GLAVAN, Aurelia, BĂLĂNUȚĂ, Tatiana. The role of psychological education in the psychosocial functioning of caregivers to people with chronic medical conditions. In: Science and education: new approaches and perspectives: . Selective collection of abstracts, Ed. 25, 24-25 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: (CEP UPSC, 2023, Seria 25, pp. 16-16_1. ISBN 978-9975-46-788-9.
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Science and education: new approaches and perspectives
Seria 25, 2023
Conferința "Science and education: new approaches and perspectives"
25, Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 martie 2023

The role of psychological education in the psychosocial functioning of caregivers to people with chronic medical conditions

CZU: 376.015.3

Pag. 16-16_1

Glavan Aurelia1, Bălănuță Tatiana2
1 "Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University from Chisinau,
2 ”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 1 noiembrie 2023


Due to the individual implications it has for physical and mental health, as well as for the well-being of family members, the psychosocial issue of chronic diseases among adults attracts the attention of researchers. This study adds to the efforts aimed at identifying the protective and risk factors that professionals in the field of psychosocial assistance services must take into account when assessing the emotional and behavioral problems of the beneficiaries they assist and in establishing a psychoeducational intervention plan. The paper highlights the role of psychosocial education in increasing the quality of life of people with chronic disabilities following a stroke. Through the long-term consequences they have, chronic disabilities are a major risk factor for individual development and for the functioning of a family system. Considering the complexity of the psychosocial universe of chronic diseases, this paper comes with a series of conceptual and applied aspects useful to researchers in the fields of health psychology, clinical psychology, couple and family psychology, health sociology, etc., as well as to practitioners in the fields of psychological counseling, psychotherapy, medical and social assistance. The results highlighted the predictive role of certain individual, familial and extra-familial characteristics in relation to the psychosocial adaptation among caregiver.

chronic disease, disability, caregivers, family, care, psychoeducation, quality of life

Cerif XML Export

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>The role of psychological education in the psychosocial functioning of caregivers to people with chronic medical conditions</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'>chronic disease; disability; caregivers; family; care; psychoeducation; quality of life</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>Due to the individual implications it has for physical and mental health, as well as for the well-being of family members, the psychosocial issue of chronic diseases among adults attracts the attention of researchers. This study adds to the efforts aimed at identifying the protective and risk factors that professionals in the field of psychosocial assistance services must take into account when assessing the emotional and behavioral problems of the beneficiaries they assist and in establishing a psychoeducational intervention plan. The paper highlights the role of psychosocial education in increasing the quality of life of people with chronic disabilities following a stroke. Through the long-term consequences they have, chronic disabilities are a major risk factor for individual development and for the functioning of a family system. Considering the complexity of the psychosocial universe of chronic diseases, this paper comes with a series of conceptual and applied aspects useful to researchers in the fields of health psychology, clinical psychology, couple and family psychology, health sociology, etc., as well as to practitioners in the fields of psychological counseling, psychotherapy, medical and social assistance. The results highlighted the predictive role of certain individual, familial and extra-familial characteristics in relation to the psychosocial adaptation among caregiver.</p></cfAbstr>