The content of heavy metals and pesticide residues in soils of monitoring polygons
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SM ISO690:2012
LEAH, Tamara. The content of heavy metals and pesticide residues in soils of monitoring polygons . In: Lucrări Ştiinţifice. Seria Horticultură, 2011, vol. 54, pp. 595-598. ISSN 1454-7376.
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Lucrări Ştiinţifice. Seria Horticultură
Volumul 54 / 2011 / ISSN 1454-7376 /ISSNe 2069-8175

The content of heavy metals and pesticide residues in soils of monitoring polygons

Conținutul de metale grele şi reziduuri de pesticide în solurile poligoanelor de monitoring

Pag. 595-598

Leah Tamara
Institute of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection” Nicolae Dimo”
Disponibil în IBN: 19 octombrie 2023


Research content of heavy metals in arable soils, carried out within 20 Monitoring polygons placed in all zones of Moldova, showed that concentrations not exceeding the Maximum admissible concentration (MAC) and can not be hazardous to the environment. The content of pesticide residues in soils showed a low concentration of DDT and HCH, which does not exceed the MAC. Remediation measures should target not only harmful to the removal of sources, but to include all measures to recover and restore affected agrochemical indices acquire their basic soil - fertility, as they are "cumulative deposits" and pollutant sources. Only a fertile soil has qualitative proprieties and "resistance" to the harmful effects of pollution degrading.

Cercetrile coninutului de metale grele n solurile arabile, efectuate în cadrul a 20 poligoane de Monitoring amplasate în toate zonele Republicii Moldova, au demonstrat c acestea nu depesc Concentraia maimal admisibil (CMA) i nu pot fi periculoase pentru mediul nconjurtor. Coninutul reiduurilor de pesticide n soluri a evideniat o concentraie redus de DDT i HCH care nu depete CMA. Msurile de depoluare trebuie s viee nu numai nlturarea surselor cu efect nociv, dar s cuprind toate msurile menite s refac indicii agrochimici afectai i s redea solurilor nsuirea lor de ba  fertilitatea, întrucât acestea sunt depoite cumulative ale unor surse i ageni poluani. Numai un sol fertil deine nsuiri de calitate i de reisten la efecte nocive, degradante ale polurii.

monitoring, heavy metals, pesticide, pollution,

monitoring, metale grele, pesticide, poluare

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