Solidaritate și întrajutorare în context religios creștin-ortodox: valențe teologice și psihosociale
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2024-06-02 20:16
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316.64 (97)
Социальная психология (1002)
SM ISO690:2012
POTOROACĂ, Mihail. Solidaritate și întrajutorare în context religios creștin-ortodox: valențe teologice și psihosociale. In: Formarea și consolidarea coeziunii sociale în Republica Moldova în contextul apropierii de Uniunea Europeană: . Studiu sociologic, Ed. 3, 18 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice, 2023, Vol.3, pp. 191-220. ISBN 978-5-88554-180-0.
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Dublin Core
Formarea și consolidarea coeziunii sociale în Republica Moldova în contextul apropierii de Uniunea Europeană
Vol.3, 2023
Conferința "Formarea şi consolidarea coeziunii sociale în Republica Moldova în contextul apropierii de Uniunea Europeană"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 18 octombrie 2022

Solidaritate și întrajutorare în context religios creștin-ortodox: valențe teologice și psihosociale

Solidarity and mutual help in the christian-orthodox religious context: theological and psychosocial valences

CZU: 316.64

Pag. 191-220

Potoroacă Mihail
Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice
Disponibil în IBN: 4 iunie 2023


This study analyzes how the idea of solidarity and help is present in Christianity. We analyzed this fact using sources of theological literature, but also some qualitative researches conducted in 2020 and 2021. Using data from a survey conducted in 2021, we studied how frequency of prayer associates and correlates with prosocial acts, prosocial activism, and social participation. At the same time, we analyzed to what extent greater religious activism is associated with greater trust in people and greater expectation of help. The idea of solidarity and help is intrinsic to Christianity, and every Christian is invited to move from orthodoxy to orthopraxy. Both are very important and have an inseparable connection with each other. According to the qualitative research respondents, Christian behavior includes charitable behavior. Priests are often seen as those who inspire the community to be solidary and help each other, or at least, that it should be so. The person of the priest is important, his way of being is important. Those who pray more frequently report higher levels of social activism and participation. Christians who pray more often are surer that they could count on help from the state, the town hall, friends, neighbors and colleagues. And those who pray more frequently report a higher level of trust in most people.

solidarity, participation, orthodox Christianity, church, priest, prayer, mutual help, prosocial behavior, moral elevation, trust, charitable behavior

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Potoroacă, M.V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Solidaritate și &icirc;ntrajutorare &icirc;n context religios creștin-ortodox: valențe teologice și psihosociale</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>This study analyzes how the idea of solidarity and help is present in Christianity. We analyzed this fact using sources of theological literature, but also some qualitative researches conducted in 2020 and 2021. Using data from a survey conducted in 2021, we studied how frequency of prayer associates and correlates with prosocial acts, prosocial activism, and social participation. At the same time, we analyzed to what extent greater religious activism is associated with greater trust in people and greater expectation of help. The idea of solidarity and help is intrinsic to Christianity, and every Christian is invited to move from orthodoxy to orthopraxy. Both are very important and have an inseparable connection with each other. According to the qualitative research respondents, Christian behavior includes charitable behavior. Priests are often seen as those who inspire the community to be solidary and help each other, or at least, that it should be so. The person of the priest is important, his way of being is important. Those who pray more frequently report higher levels of social activism and participation. Christians who pray more often are surer that they could count on help from the state, the town hall, friends, neighbors and colleagues. And those who pray more frequently report a higher level of trust in most people.</p></description>