Tradițiile de nuntă ale lipovenilor din Republica Moldova (pe baza materialelor de teren)
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-29 14:42
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392.5(=161.1)(478) (5)
Нравы и обычаи в частной жизни (276)
SM ISO690:2012
ZAICOVSCHI, Tatiana. Tradițiile de nuntă ale lipovenilor din Republica Moldova (pe baza materialelor de teren). In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. 14, 30-31 mai 2022, Chișinău. Chișinău: Notograf Prim, 2022, Ediția 14, pp. 229-239. ISBN 978-9975-84-171-9.. DOI:
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Ediția 14, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare"
14, Chișinău, Moldova, 30-31 mai 2022

Tradițiile de nuntă ale lipovenilor din Republica Moldova (pe baza materialelor de teren)

Wedding traditions among the Lipovans of the Republic of Moldova (based on fi eld materials)

CZU: 392.5(=161.1)(478)

Pag. 229-239

Zaicovschi Tatiana
Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural
Disponibil în IBN: 29 noiembrie 2022


On the basis of the author’s fi eld researches, the characteristic features of holding a traditional wedding among the Lipovans of the Republic of Moldova were revealed. Th e traditional wedding lasted three days, this feature is largely preserved to this day. On Sunday, aft er the wedding, the wedding party was celebrated in the groom’s house, the next day there took place the so-called “otvodiny” – the wedding in the bride’s house, and on the third day only the closest people were invited. On the fi rst and second days, the “dressing” of relatives (parents, etc.) was carried out: cuts of fabric, embroidered towels were used for this, which were hung crosswise on both shoulders. Th e parents planted at the wedding were usually the godmother and the godfather, with their active participation, the guests gave gift s to the young family; on the second day, they traveled around the village and collected these “gift s” (grain, goats, lambs, cuts of fabric, etc.). In the morning of the second day, the godmother entered the young couple’s room to check the “honesty” of the bride. If everything turned out to be in order, she went out to the guests with a red rag or bow. We also studied a number of transformations that took place in the wedding traditions of the Lipovans of the Republic of Moldova, especially in cities.

Old Believers (Lipovans), Republic of Moldova, wedding, wedding feast, wedding gift s, “honesty” of the bride

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