”Divanul...” în limbile arabă şi engleză
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94(478) (1665)
История Молдавии. Республика Молдова (69)
SM ISO690:2012
EŞANU, Andrei. ”Divanul...” în limbile arabă şi engleză. In: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”, 2008, nr. 1-2(9), pp. 68-71. ISSN 1857-0461.
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Dublin Core
Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă „Akademos”
Numărul 1-2(9) / 2008 / ISSN 1857-0461 /ISSNe 2587-3687

”Divanul...” în limbile arabă şi engleză
CZU: 94(478)

Pag. 68-71

Eşanu Andrei
Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 16 decembrie 2013


A sensational discovery was done by the great Romanian historic Virgil Cândea in 1970, he gave out the information that “The Divan…”, the first edited opera of Dimitrie Cantemir, has been added to the circle of Arabic culture three centuries ago, finding a large echo in the hearts and consciousness of the orthodoxy spoken Arabian faithful in the Orient. PhD Ioana Feodorov continued the researching opera of her father, translating it from Arabian to English and editing the remarkable creation of Cantemir.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Eşanu, A.I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>”Divanul...”  în limbile arabă şi engleză</title>
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<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1857-0461</relatedIdentifier>
<subject schemeURI='http://udcdata.info/' subjectScheme='UDC'>94(478)</subject>
<date dateType='Issued'>2008-02-04</date>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>A sensational discovery was done by the
 great Romanian historic Virgil Cândea in
 1970, he gave out the information that “The
 Divan…”, the  first edited opera of Dimitrie

Cantemir, has been added to the circle of
 Arabic culture three centuries ago, finding a

large echo in the hearts and consciousness of
 the orthodoxy spoken Arabian faithful in the
 Orient. PhD Ioana Feodorov continued the
 researching opera of her father, translating
 it from Arabian to English and editing the
 remarkable creation of Cantemir.</description>