Lipoma gastrică gigantă
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616.32/.33-002-07-089 (1)
Заболевания пищеварительной системы. Болезнь пищеварительного тракта (1819)
SM ISO690:2012
ŞCERBATIUC-CONDUR, Corina, ŞOR, Elina, GHEORGHIŢA, Vadim, MIŞIN, Igor, GHIDIRIM, Gheorghe. Lipoma gastrică gigantă. In: Chirurgia (București, Romania), 2021, vol. 116, supl. nr. 1, p. 205. ISSN 1221-9118.
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Chirurgia (București, Romania)
Volumul 116, Supliment nr. 1 / 2021 / ISSN 1221-9118

Lipoma gastrică gigantă

Giant gastric lipoma

CZU: 616.32/.33-002-07-089

Pag. 205-205

Şcerbatiuc-Condur Corina1, Şor Elina12, Gheorghiţa Vadim12, Mişin Igor12, Ghidirim Gheorghe1
1 Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“,
2 IMSP Institutul de Medicină Urgentă
Disponibil în IBN: 17 iunie 2021


Introducere: Lipomul gastric (LG) este o tumoare rarã, benignã, de origine mezenchimalã æi reprezintã cca 1–2% din numãrul total
de formaåiuni gastrice. Sunt clasificate drept gigante LG care au o dimensiune ≥ 4 cm. Obiectiv. Cercetarea literaturii de specialitate
æi evidenåierea particularitãåilor evoluåiei, a caracteristicilor diagnostice æi managementul LG gigante.
Materiale æi metode: Analiza surselor bibliografice (conform PRISMA) din PubMed æi Google Scholar utilizând termenii-cheie: “gastric
lipoma”, “gastric tumor”, ”submucosal tumors ”, “giant”cu determinarea a 50 cazuri de LG gigantã raportate aa.1974–2020.
Rezultate: Incidenåa LG este estimatã la cca 0.029% la autopsii æi reprezintã cca 3% dintre formaåiunile gastrice benigne. Stratul submucos
este afectat în 90–95%. Vârsta medie – 57.6?2.2 ani. Bãrbaåi – 36(72%), femei – 14(28%). Cea mai frecventã complicaåie –
hemoragia (43.1%). Manifestãri: durere, greaåã æi vomã, pierdere ponderalã, saåietate precoce, obstrucåie gastricã. Diagnosticul
imagistic de elecåie este tomografia computerizatã (TC) cu 3 semne patognomonice: (1) masa omogenã cu densitatea –70 la –120
HU; (2) formaåiune compresibilã la fluoroscopie; (3) depresiuni liniare ale åesutului. Tratament chirurgical aplicat în 48 cazuri: excizie
de tumoare – 15(30%), enucleere – 2(4%), rezecåie gastricã paråialã – 12(24%), gastrectomie – 2(4%), rezecåie endoscopicã –
12(24%), disecåia endoscopicã în stratul submucos – 4(8%), coagulare cu plasmã de argon –1(2%). Rata de recurenåã raportatã
este 5%.
Concluzii: LG este o tumoare benignã, cu manifestãri nespecifice, dependente de dimensiuni. Metoda gold-standart de diagnostic
este TC. Nu existã un protocol aprobat de abordare, rezolvarea endoscopicã fiind aplicatã tot mai larg.

Introduction: Gastric lipoma (GL) is a rare, benign tumor of mesenchymal origin and represents about 1-2% of the total number of
gastric formations. Giants GL are the tumors that have a size ≥ 4 cm. Objective. Researching the literature and highlighting the
peculiarities of evolution, diagnostic features and management of the giant GL.
Materials and methods: Analysis of bibliographic sources (according to PRISMA) from PubMed and Google Scholar using the MESH
terms: “gastric lipoma”, “gastric tumor”, “submucosal tumors”, “giant” with the identification of 50 cases of giant LG reported
during 1974–2020 y.
Results: The incidence of GL is estimated at 0.029% at autopsies and represents about 3% of benign gastric formations.
The submucosal layer is affected in 90–95%. Average age - 57.6?2.2 years. Male - 36(72%), female - 14(28%). The most common
complication - hemorrhage (43.1%). Manifestations: pain, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, early satiety, gastric obstruction. The
imaging diagnosis of choice is computed tomography (CT) with 3 pathognomonic signs: (1) homogeneous mass with density –70
to –120 HU; (2) fluoroscopic compressible tumor; (3) linear tissue depressions. Applied surgical treatment in 48 cases: tumor
excision - 15(30%), enucleation - 2(4%), resection - 12(24%%), total gastrectomy - 2(4%), endoscopic resection - 12(24%),
endoscopic dissection in the submucosal layer - 4(8%), argon coagulation – 1(2%). The reported recurrence rate is 5%.
Conclusions: LG is a benign tumor, with nonspecific manifestations, depending on size. The gold-standard diagnostic method is CT.
There is no approved approach protocol, endoscopic resolution being increasingly applied.

lipom, gastric, formațiune gastricã,

lipoma, gastric, gastric tumor