Bioactive coordinative compounds action on the carbohydrate metabolism indices in animals under physiological conditions
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619:612:636 (1)
Mедицинские науки (11480)
Физиология. Сравнительная физиология (737)
Общее животноводство. Разведение млекопитающих животных и птиц. Скотоводство. Домашние животные и их разведение (837)
SM ISO690:2012
SARDARI, Veronica, PANTEA, Valeriana, POPUȘOI, Cristina, GULYA, Aurelian, GUDUMAK, V.. Bioactive coordinative compounds action on the carbohydrate metabolism indices in animals under physiological conditions. In: Biotehnologii moderne - soluții pentru provocările lumii contemporane, 20-21 mai 2021, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Tipografia "Artpoligraf", 2021, p. 87. ISBN 978-9975-3498-7-1. DOI:
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Biotehnologii moderne - soluții pentru provocările lumii contemporane 2021
Simpozionul "Simpozion ştiinţific naţional cu participare internaţională: "
Chişinău, Moldova, 20-21 mai 2021

Bioactive coordinative compounds action on the carbohydrate metabolism indices in animals under physiological conditions

CZU: 619:612:636

Pag. 87-87

Sardari Veronica, Pantea Valeriana, Popușoi Cristina, Gulya Aurelian, Gudumak V.
”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 11 iunie 2021


The research on the directed synthesis of the nonplatin metals coordinative compounds with macrocyclic and chelants ligands based on halogensemicarbazides presents much interest. These investigations permitted obtaining new nonplatin metal compounds with polydentate macrocyclic and chelants ligands assembled as a result of the condensation of the thiosemicarbaside with aldehydes and ketones [Brevet de invenţie MD Nr. 3890, Gulea A., 2008], but their biochemical mechanisms of action are not known in detail. Based on these considerations, the aim of the research was to study the peculiarities of the influence of the new non-platinum metal coordinative compounds (CC) with chelation and macrolydic ligands – CMA-18, CMA-34, CMD-8, CMG-41, CMJ-33, CMT-67, MG-22, TIA-123, TIA-160 on the carbohydrate metabolism indices in the blood serum of the experimental animals under physiological conditions. The biological activity of the CC was evaluated in experiments including a group of 50 male rats Wistar line, randomly divided into 10 groups. The first group – control (sham), was injected i/m with the saline solution daily for 30 days. The experimental animals from groups 2-10 were administered subcutaneously the studied CC three times a week for 30 days: group 2 ‒ CMA-18 (100 nM/kg), group 3 ‒ CMA-34 (1000 nM/kg), group 4 ‒ CMD-8 (100 nM/kg), group 5 ‒ CMG41 (100 nM/kg), group 6 ‒ CMJ-33 (100 nM/kg), group 7 ‒ CMT-67 (1000 nM/kg), group 8 ‒ MG22 (100 nM/kg), group 9 ‒ TIA-123 (100 nM/kg) and group 10 ‒ TIA-160 (100 nM/kg). The carbohydrate metabolism indices ‒ the activity of lactate dehydrogenase, isomer L (LDH-L), the amount of glucose and lactate were determined. The study revealed that the amount of glucose was basically maintained at the normal levels by CMG -41, MG-22, TIA-123, TIA-160, decreased statistically significantly by 10%-15% under the influence of compounds CMA-18, CMJ-33, CMT-67, CMA-34 and CMD-8, which, probably, indicated an intense use of glucose of the studied CC in the glycolysis process. At the same time, the studied CC induced a discrete decrease tendency of LDH-L activity, except for CMJ-33 which maintained its enzyme activity at the level of intact animals and for CMG-41 which increased inconclusively by 15% compared to the control group. LDH-L represents a glycolysis enzyme, which catalyses the conversion of lactate into pyruvate with its inclusion in the aerobic glycolysis, and it was diminished insignificantly by the majotitity of the investigated compounds. The tested CC did not influence conclusively the levels of lactate, except for CMA-18, CMG-41 and CMD-8, that produced a 17-31% veritable statistical increase of the lactate, indicating the anaerobic glycolysis stimulation by these compounds. Conclusions: The influence of the tested CC on the studied indices of the carbohydrate metabolism was selective. This selectivity can be explained by their particularly strong antiproliferative and cytotoxic action upon the tumor cells, but not on the healthy one.

coordination compounds, carbohydrate metabolism, glycolysis, antiproliferative, cytotoxic action