Названия лепешек в гагаузских диалектах: этимологические заметки
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625 8
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-12-16 11:56
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811.512.165᾿282.2 (1)
Урало-алтайские, японский, корейский, айнский, палеосибирские, эскимосско-алеутские, дравидские, китайско-тибетские языки (146)
SM ISO690:2012
СОРОЧЯНУ, Евдокия. Названия лепешек в гагаузских диалектах: этимологические заметки. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , 12 februarie 2021, Comrat. Comrat, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2021, Vol.2, pp. 363-368. ISBN 978-9975-3496-3-5; 978-9975-3496-1-1.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.2, 2021
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 12 februarie 2021

Названия лепешек в гагаузских диалектах: этимологические заметки

CZU: 811.512.165᾿282.2

Pag. 363-368

Сорочяну Евдокия12
1 Молдавский Государственный Университет,
2 Институт культурного наследия
Disponibil în IBN: 27 februarie 2021


The article "Names of flat cakes in Gagauz dialects: etymological notes" provides an ethnolinguistic analysis of the names of traditional Gagauz flat cakes çörek (pita, turta), baked on the ash of an open hearth or at the mouth of an oven. The main attention is paid to the ritual semantics and history of the origin of the names of flatbreads, their distribution among other Balkan and Turkic peoples.

cake, çörek, pită, turtа, the Gagauz, the Gagauz language, etymology

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<title xml:lang='ru'>Названия лепешек в гагаузских диалектах: этимологические заметки</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The article &quot;Names of flat cakes in Gagauz dialects: etymological notes&quot; provides an ethnolinguistic analysis of the names of traditional Gagauz flat cakes &ccedil;&ouml;rek (pita, turta), baked on the ash of an open hearth or at the mouth of an oven. The main attention is paid to the ritual semantics and history of the origin of the names of flatbreads, their distribution among other Balkan and Turkic peoples.</p></description>