Baking in the Christmas customs of the Ukrainians of Moldova
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2020-10-01 15:50
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398.332.41(478+477) (1)
Folklore in the strict sense (752)
SM ISO690:2012
KOZHUKHAR, Ekaterina. Baking in the Christmas customs of the Ukrainians of Moldova. In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. 11, 29-31 octombrie 2019, Chișinău. Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2019, Ediția 11, pp. 99-100. ISBN 978-9975-84-104-7.
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Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Ediția 11, 2019
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare"
11, Chișinău, Moldova, 29-31 octombrie 2019

Baking in the Christmas customs of the Ukrainians of Moldova

CZU: 398.332.41(478+477)

Pag. 99-100

Kozhukhar Ekaterina
Institute of Cultural Heritage
Disponibil în IBN: 10 martie 2020


In the symbolic and magical ritual actions during the Holly evening / Святий вечір/ and Christmas, during the festive family meal, the household and family magic, the commemoration of ancestors, the ritual walks with congratulations and the exchange of gifts, an important function is performed by a variety of pastries. The mandatory attribute of the ritual table and ritual circuits is кала́ ч / кола́ ч / кола́ ш’: дома́ шній, для ба́ тюшки, для колядникі́ў. According to the manufacturing method – кола́ ч оби́ чний, пле́ чений ўче́ тверо, пле́ чений ўше́ стеро. For the Holly evening, коржі́ з ма́ ком / коржі́ до ма́ ку, тонкі́ коржі́ з ма́ ком are prepared, which are also called ма́ чники, ма́ чиники, ма́ чальники, мача́ льники. Researchers see them as an analogue of колевo. Ritual baking in the form of an unfinished figure of eight, which was consecrated in the church and placed in the house under the icon, as well as in the barn with livestock – кречу́ н / кричу́ н, крішчу́ н, крішчуно́ к, хреишчу́ н, мош кричу́ н, пере́ пчік – performed the role of amulet, had magic and healing functions. Special pastries were prepared for treating the children who made detours. These are ґре́ шники, восьмйо́ рочьки, as well as zoomorphic figures in the form of birds – голубки́ / голу́ бики. The following names of cookies are recorded: ме́ діўники, пра́ ніки / пря́ ники, пиче́ ня. Bagels were baked in large quantities: бу́ блики / бу́ блеки, коври́ ги, кола́ чики / кола́ чіки, оба́ рінки / оба́ ренки / уба́ ренки / ўоба́ ренки. The bakery in the form of an anthropomorphic figurine of a doll – ля́ лька decorated a ritual tree that godparents made for their little godchildren. Indispensable dishes of the Holy evening were cakes – пирі́г, пиріжо́ к with potatoes, cabbage, peas, beans, dried cherries and, in more distant times, with chopped hemp seeds (жу́ фa), as well as leaf pies with various fillings – верту́ та, палани́ ца / палане́ ца, плаци́ нта / плачи́ нта / плаци́ нда. The ethnolinguistic analysis of the Christmas pastries we recorded will allow us to better understand the deeper meaning of the customs of the local Ukrainian population and their dialect.