Natalitatea și mortalitatea populației basarabene din anii ’30 ai secolului al XX-lea
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853 21
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2024-06-20 13:24
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314(478) (23)
Demography. Population studies (833)
SM ISO690:2012
TULGARA, Tatiana, ENCIU, Nicolae. Natalitatea și mortalitatea populației basarabene din anii ’30 ai secolului al XX-lea. In: Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală, Ed. 8, 15 septembrie 2018, Bălți. Bălți, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 2019, Ediţia 8, pp. 203-206. ISBN 978-9975-50-236-8.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală
Ediţia 8, 2019
Conferința "Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală"
8, Bălți, Moldova, 15 septembrie 2018

Natalitatea și mortalitatea populației basarabene din anii ’30 ai secolului al XX-lea

CZU: 314(478)

Pag. 203-206

Tulgara Tatiana1, Enciu Nicolae2
1 Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”,
2 Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 10 decembrie 2019


The article presents a brief description of the main demographic processes in Bessarabia in the interwar period and their impact on the number and structure of the population. These two great problems - the birth and mortality of a population - have always been concerned with the minds of the people. Demographers said, starting from the statistical figures and the results of numerous surveys and monographs that demonstrated that in industrially developed areas the birth rate was small compared to the predominantly agrarian economies, natality was directly related to lifting the standard of living and that where he was higher, the birth rate was lower. Although the research carried out during the inter-war period "could not determine the influence of the biological and social factors strictly" on the birthmortality ratio, it was concluded that the highest infant mortality was in Bessarabia.

Bessarabia, demographic processe, death rate, birth rate, the interwar period, the Bessarabian population