Phase transitions in shape memory alloys
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2020-02-19 21:04
SM ISO690:2012
FLORIAN, Gabriel, GABOR, Augusta Raluca, NICOLAE, Cristian-Andi, STANICA, Nicolae, DEGERATU, Sonia, IACOBESCU, Gabriela, PETRIŞOR, Iulian, BÎZDOACĂ, Nicu, ROTARU, Petre. Phase transitions in shape memory alloys. In: Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Ed. 4, 28-31 august 2017, Chişinău. Germany: Academica Greifswald, 2017, Editia 4, p. 283. ISBN 978-3-940237-47-7.
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Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Editia 4, 2017
Conferința "Central and Eastern European Conference"
4, Chişinău, Moldova, 28-31 august 2017

Phase transitions in shape memory alloys

Pag. 283-283

Florian Gabriel1, Gabor Augusta Raluca2, Nicolae Cristian-Andi2, Stanica Nicolae3, Degeratu Sonia1, Iacobescu Gabriela1, Petrişor Iulian1, Bîzdoacă Nicu1, Rotaru Petre1
1 University of Craiova,
2 National Institute of Research and Development for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM,
3 “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy
Disponibil în IBN: 7 octombrie 2019


The applications of intelligent shape-memory materials in robotics and the construction of electromechanical command and control devices are based on the properties of some alloys to modify their geometry when they undergo phase transitions to modify the martensite-austenite crystalline structure [1]. After phase transitions, forces are developed that can act conveniently and perform the desired operations by the designer. We have realised some applications using smart shape memory materials with different geometries and different physico-mechanical characteristics [2-4]. Continuing these concerns, in this paper, the thermomechanical properties of SMA bands and wires are studied, the results being used in the design of electromechanical devices. Figure 1 Figure 2 Thermal measurements performed on SMA bands revealed phase transitions, for which process enthalpy was calculated (Figure 1). Mechanical and thermomechanical properties for the same material were determined by DMA and TMA. By AFM measurements, interaction of intelligent alloys with several azo-food dyes has been highlighted. Figure 2 shows the deposition on the SMA band of E155 food dye. SMA characterization is complemented by magnetic studies.