Introduction, cultivation of species Lophanthus anisatus benth
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SM ISO690:2012
CHISNICEAN, Lilia, COLŢUN, Maricica. Introduction, cultivation of species Lophanthus anisatus benth. In: Conservation of plant diversity, Ed. 3, 22-24 mai 2014, Chișinău. Chișinău: Gradina Botanica (Institut), 2014, Ediția 3, pp. 81-82. ISBN 978-9975-62-370-4.
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Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 3, 2014
Simpozionul "Conservation of plant diversity"
3, Chișinău, Moldova, 22-24 mai 2014

Introduction, cultivation of species Lophanthus anisatus benth

Pag. 81-82

Chisnicean Lilia, Colţun Maricica
Gradina Botanică (Institut) a AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 18 mai 2019


Introduction Lophanthus anisatus is an aromatic perennial species of Lamiaceae family introduced and cultivated in the Botanical Garden fangs for its medicinal, seasoning, healing, melifer and decorative properties. Essential oil gives species bactericidal, immunostimulatory, toning and sedative properties. The species is a valuable nectarous with decorative appearance and properties readjustment of landscape arranged. For extensively promote and maintain this valuable species, was studied the biological particularities, methods of multiplication and conservation. Material and methods As for study materials were used own seed, processed buy natural prepares, Biostim that allowed increased seed germination and energy by 15-17% compared to the unprocessed. To minimize browsing ontogenetic stages was produced seedlings. The substrate used to produce seedlings consisted of Biohumus - 80% forest soil - 10% and sand 10%. Sowing was done in plastic pallets and crates for growth. Emergence was the same for terms and sizes, but the transplant had better rooting plantlets obtained 40% plastic blades, keeping the whole roots, and restoring growth is only two days. Standard seedlings are good for transplanting after 65 days. Results and dicussions Mature plants obtained from seedlings passed all ontogenetic stages in the fi rst year of life, reaching fruition, were obtained with 25-30% more viable seeds with germination and energy 98%, than those sown directly into the ground. It also increases the strength of the winter mature plant obtained from the seedlings by 20-25% compared to the directly sown in the fi eld. Soil core processing was minimal depth of 7-10 cm with barren weed without fl ipping and turning furrows topsoil. Before planting the ground reprocess, while being applied and rows for planting seedlings. Into irrigation water before planting was added 50 ml / l of Biostim - natural organic fertilizer. According to data obtained previously have concluded that cleaning of weeds and improve soil structure is welcome cultivating a culture mash or sideral culture. As stunned placed in rotation crops were used species Sinapis alba, Trigonella sp. or stuffed methi cultures of Coriandrum sativum, Anethum graveolens. After shredding and incorporation sideral crops was done processing land surface to a depth of 3-5 cm with barren arrow type. They are effective and necessary manual and mechanical weeding the weeds between rows. During the growing season were made two fertilizations with the preparation Glen-93, showing marine sediment organic and two irrigation while fertilization. Diseases and pests in they culture were not detected. In the fi rst decade of July the plants s showed clumps with 17-21 strains, waist 102-110 cm, densely leafy (10-12 leaves on the central stem), with “ears” well developed infl orescence and fl owers in fl ower mass period. Mature plants, obtained from seedlings were resistance to low temperatures and wintering. From one hectare of plantation Lophanthus anisatus species are obtained production from 94 to 245 kg / ha honey. Conclusions The application of organic technological elements in the cultivation of large areas Lophanthus anisatus species, as medicinal and apicol culture, allows for mature plants in the fi rst year of vegetation, enhances the quality of medicinal raw materials and essential oil, the volume and quality of seeds and apicol production.

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