Comparative phytochemical studies of agastache rugosa kuntze species from colections and experimental cultures in Romania and Republic of Moldova
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2023-08-22 13:11
SM ISO690:2012
STEFANACHE, Camelia Paula, CIOCÎRLAN, Nina, CHISNICEAN, Lilia, NECULA, Radu Dan, GRIGORAŞ, Valentin, COLŢUN, Maricica, DANILA, Doina. Comparative phytochemical studies of agastache rugosa kuntze species from colections and experimental cultures in Romania and Republic of Moldova. In: Conservation of plant diversity, Ed. 3, 22-24 mai 2014, Chișinău. Chișinău: Gradina Botanica (Institut), 2014, Ediția 3, pp. 37-38. ISBN 978-9975-62-370-4.
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Conservation of plant diversity
Ediția 3, 2014
Simpozionul "Conservation of plant diversity"
3, Chișinău, Moldova, 22-24 mai 2014

Comparative phytochemical studies of agastache rugosa kuntze species from colections and experimental cultures in Romania and Republic of Moldova

Pag. 37-38

Stefanache Camelia Paula1, Ciocîrlan Nina2, Chisnicean Lilia2, Necula Radu Dan1, Grigoraş Valentin1, Colţun Maricica2, Danila Doina1
1 Institutul de Cercetări Biologice Bucureşti, Centrul de Cercetări Biologice „Stejarul” - Piatra Neamţ,
2 Gradina Botanică (Institut) a AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 17 mai 2019


Introduction Agastache rugosa Kuntze, Lamiaceae family, is a medicinal, aromatic and melliferous plant species with traditional use in China for treating fever, stomach ailments, and angina aches. More recent studies highlighted the antitumour, antifungal, antiviral and cytotoxic activities of the extract, being included in some commercial food supplements [1]. It has a wide distribution in Eastern Asia, in Romania and Republic of Moldova is found only in cultures, especially for decorative purposes.  This study aims the assessment of the phytochemical diversity of A. rugosa species in collections and experimental cultures, for the identifi cation, characterization and propagation of chemovarieties with multivalent use and for the production of standardized raw plant material. Material and methods The plant material consisted in A. rugosa individuals with white, and blue fl owers respectively, collected from the experimental fi eld of “Stejarul” Biological Research Centre Piatra Neamt, Romania and from the collections of the Botanical Garden (Institute) of ASM Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, harvested in July – August 2013. The methanolic extracts of the plant material were analyzed in order to assess the content in bioactive secondary metabolites – mainly fl avonoids and phenolic acids, using the following analysis methods: Thin Layer Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Spectrophotometry [2]. Results and discussions The TLC analysis highlighted different fi ngerprints, due both to the origin of the plant material and experimental variant. Thus, for the samples originated from the plants with blue fl owers was observed an additional spot for fl avones, with Rf = 0.85. A more complex overview was obtained by means of HPLC analysis, which revealed the rosmarinic acid as the main phenolic acids in all samples (1425.52 – 2315.60 mg/100 g d.w.). Higher values were observed in the samples from the experimental fi elds in Romania, in particular for the samples with white fl owers. Furthermore, the samples with blue fl owers had up to 30 – 60% more rosmarinic acid compared with the ones with white fl owers. The chlorogenic acids content was also observed in higher amounts in the samples with blue fl owers. In contrast, the samples from the collections from Republic of Moldova had higher amounts of fl avonoids – up to 3 times more apigenin-7-O-glicoside. This was also confi rmed by the spectrophotometric analysis. Conclusions The phytochemical studies highlighted qualitative and quantitative differences in the bioactive secondary metabolites content. These were due both to the origin of the plant material (from the experimental fi elds in Romania and the collections of the Botanical Garden in Republic of Moldova) and to the experimental variant (with white and blue fl owers, respectively). Acknowledgements: The work was sustained from the project: PN 09360401 (BIODIV) fi nanced by National Agency for Scientifi c Research Romania and Bilateral Collaboration Project RO-MD (No. 694/24.04.2013).