Psychology of Sport: The Need for Modernization and The Ways of Its Implementation
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SM ISO690:2012
MANOLACHI, Veaceslav, VIZITEI, Nicolae. Psychology of Sport: The Need for Modernization and The Ways of Its Implementation. In: 4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health, 29-30 septembrie 2017, Iași. Iași, România: LUMEN Conference Center, 2017, pp. 129-131.
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4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health 2017
Conferința "4th Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Scientific Conference on Education, Sport and Health"
Iași, Romania, 29-30 septembrie 2017

Psychology of Sport: The Need for Modernization and The Ways of Its Implementation

Pag. 129-131

Manolachi Veaceslav, Vizitei Nicolae
State University of Physical Education and Sport
Disponibil în IBN: 28 decembrie 2018


It is stated that there is a general crisis condition of contemporary culture due to globalization and the resulting weakening of the ideological competence of the person. The peculiarities of this situation in sport are analyzed. It is stressed the importance of the psychological component in adequate understanding by a person of the current state of things. It is noted the necessity of modernization of this component in the case of sports psychology, which involves the convergence of sport psychology with philosophy primarily with the philosophical anthropology and ethics. It is justified the possibility of "new psychology" of profound understanding of such fundamental issues in the theory of sports such as the essence of sports activities, nature of competitive relations, the impact of sports on personality, physical action of the athlete, psychological preparation of a person in sport.

În contextul globalizării şi al diminuării competenţei privind concepţia despre lume a omului, condiţionată de acest proces, se constată o stare generală de criză a culturii contemporane. În lucrare sunt analizate particularităţile acestei situaţii în sport. Este subliniată importanţa componentei psihologice pentru conştientizarea adecvată a stării actuale de lucruri. Este relevată necesitatea modernizării acestei componente în cazul psihologiei sportive, fapt ce presupune apropierea psihologiei sportului de filosofie şi, în primul rând, de antropologia filosofică şi de etică. Este argumentată posibilitatea unei ”noi psihologii” a înţelegerii aprofundate a unor probleme fundamentale din teoria sportului, precum: esenţa activităţii sportive, natura relaţiilor competiţionale, influenţa sportului asupra personalităţii, acţiunea motrice a sportivului, pregătirea psihologică a omului în sport.

modernization of sports psychology, psychology of competitive relations, motor action of the athlete,

the essence of sports activities, sports and personality, psychological preparation in sport