Motivarea arhaismelor din structura frazeologismelor prin etimologie populară
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SM ISO690:2012
TRINCA, Lilia. Motivarea arhaismelor din structura frazeologismelor prin etimologie populară. In: Time for Challenges and Changes in the Teaching World, Ed. 3, 17-18 martie 2017, Bălți. Bălți, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 2017, Ediția 3, pp. 200-210. ISBN 978-9975-9904-8-6.
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Time for Challenges and Changes in the Teaching World
Ediția 3, 2017
Simpozionul "III International spring symposium proceedings"
3, Bălți, Moldova, 17-18 martie 2017

Motivarea arhaismelor din structura frazeologismelor prin etimologie populară

Pag. 200-210

Trinca Lilia
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 3 decembrie 2018


 Since phraseology has an idiomatic character, we point out that the degree of idiomatization is inversely proportional to the degree of motivation: the less motivated a word combination is, the more idiomatic it is. The impression of idiomaticity is generated by the lack of motivation, a phenomenon which is often catalysed by figurative motivation (by metaphor, metonymy). The synchronic view on the degree of motivation of a phraseological unit can be doubled by the diachronic view on the original motivation, alias motivation at the stage of creating the word combination as a "ready-made" expression or repeated discourse. The unmotivated character of some linguistic signs often generates, as a reaction, false etymological associations (evolved from the aspiration for order, clarity and motivation of the linguistic element) and, at the same time, an unconscious restoration of the etymological connection. Being old historical documents, some phraseological units contain such images, remade through a process of folk etymology.

phraseological unit, idiomaticity, etymology, motivation,

folk etymology