Succesul politicilor guvernamentale anticorupţie in Danemarca
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SM ISO690:2012
MANOLE, Dinu. Succesul politicilor guvernamentale anticorupţie in Danemarca. In: Teoria şi practica administrării publice, 19 mai 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: S.C. „Elan Poligraf” S.R.L., 2017, pp. 468-471. ISBN 978-9975-3019-6-1.
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Teoria şi practica administrării publice 2017
Conferința "Teoria şi practica administrării publice"
Chișinău, Moldova, 19 mai 2017

Succesul politicilor guvernamentale anticorupţie in Danemarca

The success of Government Anti-Corruption Policies in Denmark

Успехи правительственных антикоррупционных политик в Дании

Pag. 468-471

Manole Dinu
Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 4 ianuarie 2018


Denmark is regarded as one of the world’s least corrupt countries, and bribery and other corrupt practices are not considered obstacles to business. The Danish Criminal Code (in Danish) forbids active and passive bribery and most other forms of corruption offences contained in international anticorruption conventions. It is also forbidden to bribe foreign public officials, and companies can be held criminally liable for acts of corruption committed by individuals working on their behalf. There is no distinction made between bribes and facilitation payments, and the propriety of gifts and hospitality depends on their intent and the benefit obtained. Safeguards against corruption and abuse of power in Denmark primarily rest with a strong practice of integrity rather than with formal rules and regulations. Despite a very low level of corruption, international monitoring institutions have criticized Denmark for its non-transparent rules on financing of political parties, and for insufficient enforcement of foreign bribery laws. Nonetheless, the government enforces their anti-corruption policies and laws effectively.

anti-corruption, bribery, corruption, government,

transparent, law effectively