Mircea Eliade și Constantin Brâncuși. Valori definitorii ale culturii naționale
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2024-04-23 16:24
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73(498)(092)+821.135.1.09(092) (1)
Plastic arts (432)
Literature of Balkan Romance / Romanic languages (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
LUPȘAN, Mihaela Diana. Mircea Eliade și Constantin Brâncuși. Valori definitorii ale culturii naționale. In: Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei, 7 iunie 2017, Cahul. Cahul: Tipografia „CentroGrafic” SRL, Cahul, 2017, Vol.2, pp. 285-287. ISBN 978-9975-88-019-0. 978-9975-88-021-3.
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Dublin Core
Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei
Vol.2, 2017
Conferința "Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei"
Cahul, Moldova, 7 iunie 2017

Mircea Eliade și Constantin Brâncuși. Valori definitorii ale culturii naționale

CZU: 73(498)(092)+821.135.1.09(092)

Pag. 285-287

Lupșan Mihaela Diana
Universitatea „1 decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia
Disponibil în IBN: 28 decembrie 2017


The affinity between Mircea Eliade and Constantin Brâncuși is not an incidental one at all, but grounded on a similar artistic background. Both of them think that spirituality reflects in cultural manifestations of a nation. Their piece of work is a glorification of faith. Eliade finds out that the dominant character of Brâncuși is the exploration into the spiritual nature of man and his art objects are fundamentally new in outlook and artistic form, being a proof of the powerful and national spirit that gave birth to them, making them today as fresh as on the day they were first created. In a world where nothing is certain, Brâncuși finds the stoneřs power: it is heavy, but also easy, it lies on the ground, but also rises to the sky. All of these things happen in a world in which transcendental belief has been undermined. Looking at the greatest masterpieces of Brâncuși, humankind realises that each moment lived in the present has to be filled with intense experience and its ephemeral presence has to be expanded by associating it with Divinity.